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Search results

  1. Former Director of Football Communications Shelly Poe (official thread)

    As it should be. When's the last time El Salvador made a BCS bowl? And from the article, it sounds like Poe's basically been a Mountaineer for life. If WVU doesn't make a pretty serious effort to keep her, it'd be strange. She'd be a welcome addition to the staff, though.
  2. How will our Buckeyes fare in 2007?

    I'd be satisfied with an 11-2 season. I'm a little worried about the front seven. In particular I'm worried about the linebackers being exposed a bit without Pitcock and Patterson eating up blockers. And the finish to last season didn't inspire a lot of confidence. But they will be experienced...
  3. #1 Ohio State 65, Michigan 61 (Final)

    As always, the only analysis anyone really needs. But beyond that, here's a few other things I want to see in this game: The Buckeyes containing Dion Harris. He went 6-of-11 (2-of-3 on his 3's) for 14 points against OSU last time. He was 7-of-14 (2-of-7 from behind the arc) against MSU tonight...
  4. Who Should Take The Last Shot?

    I went with Butler to take the shot, but if I'm Matta, I get the ball to Conley, hoping he can drive and either get an open look or draw an extra defender, leaving Butler or Oden open. I trust Butler and Conley about equally in terms of decision-making, but Conley's speed gives him more...
  5. #1 Ohio State 68, Penn State 60 (Final)

    It is always something to worry about, but after the near-debacle in State College last week, I think the Buckeyes should be able to stay focused for this one. Plus, after showing progress against Minnesota, I think a lot of people are looking to this game for some proof that OSU can...
  6. 2006-07 Men's Basketball Coaches and AP Polls

    Yeah. Blowouts in these next three games would go a long way toward convincing people (including me) that the Buckeyes are worth a one seed, but the bottom line is that it'll take a win (or two, including the Big Ten tournament) against Wisconsin before the Bucks are regarded as one of the four...
  7. #2 Ohio State 64, Penn State 62 (Final)

    Exactly. Though most of the Big Ten season, teams either haven't been able to contain Oden or haven't been talented enough to take advantage of containing him or getting him into foul trouble. Eventually the Bucks are going to run into a team that is talented enough, and they'll need the outside...
  8. 2006-07 Men's Basketball Coaches and AP Polls

    They appear to have updated a couple of those links on you. CBS has the Buckeyes as the two-seed in UNC's bracket, and Lunardi has them as the two-seed in UCLA's bracket. It's a little annoying that they all have the supposed #2 team in the country as a two-seed, but then, I'm not sure I buy the...
  9. OT Mike Adams (Official Thread)

    I agree. Can't blame the guy for wanting to look around and enjoy the process for a bit. So long as he's calling OSU the leader, I'm not gonna worry about it. If I were in his position, I'd do the same. Look around, see the sights, make sure you aren't missing out on anything major, then...
  10. #2 Ohio State 64, Penn State 62 (Final)

    I'm hoping to see the Buckeyes start making their threes again. Penn State has the worst defense in the Big Ten, and they're the worst in the Big Ten at defending the outside shot. So far the occasional off night from Butler or Harris (and the somewhat more frequent off nights from Lewis)...