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2006-07 Men's Basketball Coaches and AP Polls

OSU_Buckguy;747009; said:
there will be an interesting predicament if florida loses to kentucky tonight. ohio state is now effectively second in both polls, considering ucla's loss to wvu. if ohio state were to overtake florida after a gator loss, ohio state would be ranked first; with the second, third, and fourth-ranked teams all having beaten ohio state.

interesting. i don't think that florida will lose to kentucky, but... it's interesting to think about. i bet that there's never been a team ranked number one that has lost to teams ranked second through fourth, let alone second and third.

Florida fans would be P-I-S-S-E-D. But it's a moot point because I think Florida will roll.
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OSU_Buckguy;747009; said:
there will be an interesting predicament if florida loses to kentucky tonight. ohio state is now effectively second in both polls, considering ucla's loss to wvu. if ohio state were to overtake florida after a gator loss, ohio state would be ranked first; with the second, third, and fourth-ranked teams all having beaten ohio state.

interesting. i don't think that florida will lose to kentucky, but... it's interesting to think about. i bet that there's never been a team ranked number one that has lost to teams ranked second through fourth, let alone second and third.
The expected is now out: OSU is #2 in both polls. Regarding your hypothetical, if UK had beaten UF, Florida would have had a legitimate gripe given how thoroughly they beat the Bucks. Wisconsin and UNC would have had (and do have, since they are, in fact, ranked lower) less legitimate a gripe, in my opinion, given the closeness of the game on their home courts, and the fact that Oden didn't play at Chapel Hill.
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[FONT=arial,sans-serif]Monday, February 12, 2007[/FONT]

[FONT=arial,sans-serif]OSU men's basketball up to No. 2 in polls

4:59 p.m.

COLUMBUS - The Ohio State men's basketball team moved up to No. 2 in both The Associated Press poll and coaches poll released today. The 22-3 Buckeyes, on a nine-game winning streak, moved up a spot after No. 2 UCLA was upset last week.

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MaxBuck;749743; said:



Interestingly, all the "bracketologists" have the Bucks as a 2-seed, and the pundits figured them as the weakest 2-seed as they are in Florida's bracket. That implies they believe tOSU is the 8th best team in the nation.

Just facts without comment here.

They appear to have updated a couple of those links on you. CBS has the Buckeyes as the two-seed in UNC's bracket, and Lunardi has them as the two-seed in UCLA's bracket. It's a little annoying that they all have the supposed #2 team in the country as a two-seed, but then, I'm not sure I buy the Buckeyes as one of the top four teams in the country myself.
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They appear to have updated a couple of those links on you. CBS has the Buckeyes as the two-seed in UNC's bracket, and Lunardi has them as the two-seed in UCLA's bracket. It's a little annoying that they all have the supposed #2 team in the country as a two-seed, but then, I'm not sure I buy the Buckeyes as one of the top four teams in the country myself.

The question is how good is this team? Top 5 or Top 15? I guess we will get some answers later this month against Wisky, but one thing they can't debate about this squad is that we have beaten everyone we should have up to this point, we have not been upset. The other side is that we haven't upset anyone yet........
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OSUBasketballJunkie;750014; said:
The question is how good is this team? Top 5 or Top 15? I guess we will get some answers later this month against Wisky, but one thing they can't debate about this squad is that we have beaten everyone we should have up to this point, we have not been upset. The other side is that we haven't upset anyone yet........

Yeah. Blowouts in these next three games would go a long way toward convincing people (including me) that the Buckeyes are worth a one seed, but the bottom line is that it'll take a win (or two, including the Big Ten tournament) against Wisconsin before the Bucks are regarded as one of the four best teams in the country. Right now you can't blame the guys writing the projections for putting the Buckeyes as a two seed; they haven't been following the Buckeyes as closely as we have, and even we aren't sure how good OSU really is.
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bucknut11;754777; said:
So with the Gators going down, will OSU jump to #1? Should OSU jump to #1?
They most likely will, and they do deserve it. We lost to three good teams, on the road. If we had lost to weak opponent and won one of these road games, I would say no. But the fact is we have won every game besides those against the best teams on the road.
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