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2006-07 Men's Basketball Coaches and AP Polls

crazybuckfan40;733186; said:
Honestly I think the next 2 games at Purdue and at MSU are going to show more as we are going to be on the road against two tough teams...

See if we have learned anything from our 3 losses that we had on the road...

It was nice to see the Bucks learned to close out a game last night... outscored Purdue I believe 12-0 in the final few minutes of the game. 1 down, 1 to go! :oh:
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bucknut11;739003; said:
So with both UNC and Wiscy losing this week, do we move up any? I really don't think we should, but I won't complain if we do.
I can see us moving in front of both of them. I don't know if we are the #2 team in the country
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OregonBuckeye;739018; said:
I'd only put UF and UCLA ahead of us right now. UNC was looking great but they're not the team the media was making them out to be and UW has been mediocre since their win over us.

I'd put all four of them ahead of us because we lost to three of them. You can't make a statement about being better that non-conference opponents you lost to previously because there is no rematch.
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Golferdow01;739068; said:
I'd put all four of them ahead of us because we lost to three of them. You can't make a statement about being better that non-conference opponents you lost to previously because there is no rematch.
At this point I don't care who is ahead of us. If we play good enough we will have our rematch in the Dance. If we have improved enough we can go all the way.
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Golferdow01;739068; said:
I'd put all four of them ahead of us because we lost to three of them. You can't make a statement about being better that non-conference opponents you lost to previously because there is no rematch.

I don't know about that. So UNC can't say they're better than Gonzaga? Wisconsin can't say they're better than Missouri St.? If you think UW and UNC should be ranked ahead of us then that's understandable. IMO, they shouldn't.
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Golferdow01;739068; said:
I'd put all four of them ahead of us because we lost to three of them. You can't make a statement about being better that non-conference opponents you lost to previously because there is no rematch.

I don't think you can really say this b/c UNC was early in the season and we didnt even have our best player and we were in Chapel Hill.

You might make a point for Florida with this argument due to the fact that they pasted us, but it was still @ Florida and Oden had just come back.

At this point I would say we are playing our best ball, so I see no reason if we move up in the rankings, but it really doesnt matter...
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OregonBuckeye;739080; said:
I don't know about that. So UNC can't say they're better than Gonzaga? Wisconsin can't say they're better than Missouri St.? If you think UW and UNC should be ranked ahead of us then that's understandable. IMO, they shouldn't.

Well, that turns into an ugly circular arguement and I should have been more specific. I think of it as, ok we lost to UNC, so if we should be ranked above them, then give me some good reasons as to why we deserve to be. UNC won, so they are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Now of course they lost today, but I made that comment before they did so(I think?). Yes we were on the road and yes we were without Oden, but is there really an iron-clad arguement as to why we should be ahead of them? I don't think so. As for Wisconsin and Mizz St., I think you could dream up an iron-clad arguement as to why Wisconsin is better.

Good point nonetheless as I was not descriptive enough earlier.

crazybuckfan40;739297; said:
I don't think you can really say this b/c UNC was early in the season and we didnt even have our best player and we were in Chapel Hill.

You might make a point for Florida with this argument due to the fact that they pasted us, but it was still @ Florida and Oden had just come back.

At this point I would say we are playing our best ball, so I see no reason if we move up in the rankings, but it really doesnt matter...

Basically, the same goes as I stated above. Of course it doesn't really matter if we are ranked #1 or #10 right now with another month of ball before the Big Dance.
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I agree that none of this matters, but I think we are a better team than UNC on a neutral court, so I think we should be rated ahead of them...

I don't feel the same way about UF and UCLA, but I would have confidence we could beat them, but UF will beat anyone if they play well and us and UCLA would be a helluva game, as would us vs. UNC, but I just think that while we did play very well in that game and still lost, they got lots of second chance points in that game and Wright and Hansbrough had their way inside and Ellington had probably his best game of the season in that game...

All things I am not sure would happen if we played them again especially on a neutral court. I also don't think that Lewis would score the way he did, but we would have Oden to score and Butler and Cook would actually show up and Conley and Hunter have improved so much since that game...Two toally differnt players...
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I read that tOSU is the only top 25 team without a loss to an unranked team. I haven't bothered to research whether that means unranked at the time the games were played, as opposed to the current poll.
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there will be an interesting predicament if florida loses to kentucky tonight. ohio state is now effectively second in both polls, considering ucla's loss to wvu. if ohio state were to overtake florida after a gator loss, ohio state would be ranked first; with the second, third, and fourth-ranked teams all having beaten ohio state.

interesting. i don't think that florida will lose to kentucky, but... it's interesting to think about. i bet that there's never been a team ranked number one that has lost to teams ranked second through fourth, let alone second and third.
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