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Former Director of Football Communications Shelly Poe (official thread)


Capo Regime
Staff member
Sounds like a good one...


West Virginia?s athletic department could be losing a hall of famer.
Shelly Poe, the school?s sports information director since 1988, is mulling an offer to do public relations for the football program at Ohio State. Buckeyes coach Jim Tressel has reportedly joined in the recruiting effort.

Poe was reluctant to talk about her potential change of scenery Monday except to say that she hasn?t made up her mind.
This much seems fairly certain, though: If West Virginia?s administration doesn?t make an effort to keep Poe, it won?t sit well with those involved with the Mountaineer football program. And so far it appears there has been no effort to do so.

underoath437;871848; said:
Well OSU's GDP is more than that of El Salvador I do believe.

As it should be. When's the last time El Salvador made a BCS bowl?

And from the article, it sounds like Poe's basically been a Mountaineer for life. If WVU doesn't make a pretty serious effort to keep her, it'd be strange. She'd be a welcome addition to the staff, though.
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Shelly Poe, new football communications director

July 09, 2007
Poe leaving for Ohio State (7:00 pm)
Mitch Vingle
Sports Editor

Shelly Poe, West Virginia University's sports beacon for 19 years, is leaving the Mountaineer athletic department for a similar job with Ohio State.
Poe, 42, has accepted the position of football communications director in Columbus and will begin working with Buckeyes coach Jim Tressel at the end of next week. Her last day with WVU is next Monday.

"I will be the point person for Ohio State football,'' Poe said. "It's a terrific opportunity. Everyone there seems so people-oriented. They want their athletes -- as well as their staff -- to grow.''

The Charleston Gazette - Breaking News
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From the Ozone's main page:

The-Ozone, Ohio State Football, Basketball, Hockey, Baseball and More

July 10, 2007 2:20 AM
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]New OSU Football SID Shelly Poe [/FONT]
Football: According to the Charleston Gazette, The Ohio State University has hired West Virginia Sports Information Director Shelly Poe as the new SID for the football Buckeyes. She has been the SID at WVU since 1988, when she became the first female SID for a major football school at only 23 years of age.
Poe will fill the vacancy as football SID left by Steve Snapp, while current OSU men's basketball SID Dan Wallenberg adds the duties as head SID to his current responsibilities.
"I will be the point person for Ohio State football," Poe told the Gazette. "It's a terrific opportunity. Everyone there seems so people-oriented. They want their athletes -- as well as their staff -- to grow."
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Change of Scenery for Poe

Steve Snapp is a name that is probably familiar to many Ohio State football fans. The longtime athletics communications staff member worked closely with the team during his OSU career, but a promotion meant some new blood had to be brought in. Along those lines, OSU went to West Virginia to find Hall of Famer Shelly Poe.

The Ohio State coaching staff, led by Jim Tressel, went to West Virginia and, through its powers of persuasion, was able to get the person it wanted.

No, this isn't about Josh Jenkins, although the parallels could end up being similar. In this particular incidence, the subject was Shelly Poe, the director of West Virginia University?s sports communications office. Tressel and receivers coach Darrell Hazell were able to convince the lifelong West Virginian that a move to Columbus to serve as the football program?s sports information director was the right one.

"Darrell Hazell is a longtime friend of mine," Poe said Wednesday from her office in Morgantown. "He coached here at West Virginia (from 1999-2000) and he has told me a many times - and he's been a lot of places - how awesome it is there, that he enjoys the people and he enjoys the program and the whole setup."

Starting next week, Poe will take over as OSU?s director of athletics communications, specifically working as the communications director for the football program. She brings with her a boatload of credentials.

Cont'd ...
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COLUMBUS, Ohio -- It's obvious these Buckeyes aren't robots.

True, they're becoming the New York Yankees of the sport (three title shots in the past six years). True, their coach barely noses out a central vacuum cleaning system in terms of pizzazz. But these guys (and their coach) have actual personalities.

That's what I came away with Thursday after spending an afternoon interviewing the Bucks before their BCS title game date on Jan. 7. A lot of credit goes to the ol' central vac himself, Jim Tressel, for loosening up the atmosphere. He's the one who went out in the offseason and landed his biggest recruit (at least in media terms) -- sports information director Shelly Poe from West Virginia.

While that might not mean much to the majority of you, it was the equivalent of a thaw in relations between the U.S. and the old Soviet Union. Tressel himself wanted to get his program's story out to a broader audience. In came Poe, who worked for two decades publicizing West Virginia. As you can see by where the Mountaineers are in the national cosmos, she did a pretty good job.

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