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Search results

  1. Ginn0wnsj00

    Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 14, TSUN 3 (final)

    If only she wasn't a michigan fan....that bitch is FIIIINE. (looks like tara reid a little) I don't know why she's so upset....It's OSU's job to beat scUM. I mean, I don't go down to where she works and slap the dick out of her mouth...... :D :gobucks1:
  2. Ginn0wnsj00

    What time do you prefer the Ohio State football games to start?

    Preferably 3:30..... Although, any game with Keith Jackson commentating I'd go on a coke binge to stay up an watch :D But alas, he no longer travels, so I'm going with 3:30..... Really, any game not on the Big Ten Network (Makes me feel like I'm watching a High School game. Anyone else feel...
  3. Ginn0wnsj00

    Weekly Upset Picks Contest - 2007

    NC State
  4. Ginn0wnsj00

    Game Thread Game Two: Ohio State 20, Akron 2 (Final)

    Um...joke!!!!!!!!! OSU ROLLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG TEN CROWN BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOMEBODY DETHRONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Ginn0wnsj00

    Should the Big Ten Schedule Change?

    Hmmm I havent read any of the other posts on this thread because im in a bit of a rush, so if I repeat something someone has already said feel free to delete my post. Living in Statesboro, GA, there are a ton of SEC fans. I attend Georgia Southern University (a prestigous school among the...
  6. Ginn0wnsj00

    Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

    Laurinaitis Pic I'm pretty sure the Laurinaitis pic is from at Texas this year. :osu:
  7. Ginn0wnsj00

    Coverage Map Thread

    Thank god. I'm bout sick of having to watch shitty games like Rutgers/UNC. I hate Statesboro.:gobucks1:
  8. Ginn0wnsj00

    OMFG I just can't wait till football season!!!!

    This is probably going to get deleted and shit...........BUT OMFG.......WHO ISNT LOOKING FOWARD TO TROY STOMMPPING ALL OVER <insert any other quarterback other than troy simrth......>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG I HOPE WE COME OUIT FIRING LIKE WE DID ALL OVER BRADY'S SISTER.
  9. Ginn0wnsj00

    WR Ted Ginn, Jr. (Official Thread)

    god damn right. :osu:
  10. Ginn0wnsj00

    Rate a Position....Part 3..WR

    Assuming Reggie Ball doesn't shit the bed like he does normally. :gobucks1::gobucks2:
  11. Ginn0wnsj00

    Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

    Hello everyone Just wanted to say Hi. I just joined this site and I love it. I also love THE Ohio State, much like the rest of you. I'm a college kid and I go to georgia southern university. Always wanted to go to tOSU, but it's expensive as hell for out of state tuition. Anyway, just wanted to...