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Should the Big Ten Schedule Change?

Should the Big Ten Schedule Change?

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23Skidoo;714732; said:
No prob with the misunderstanding :)
The problem with adding 1 game is that, because we have an odd number of teams, the numbers won't even out. 11 (teams) *9 (games) = 99 / (2 teams per game) = 49.5 games. Basically, when you actually write it out -- there will be 1 team left with no opponent (who hasn't already played 9 games). So either 1 team only plays 8 games, or you match that team up with somebody who ends up playing 10 games. 11 teams = a real pain in the ass all around.

I agree. 11 team = a real pain in the ass. Thanks for the clarification. I think I'm suffering from post-NCG syndrome.
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Could I cast a vote to have all the other conferences finish their schedules when the B10 finishes. Then (here goes a crazy concept) we could move the bowl games up 2 weeks and play the NC game on New Years.

The NC game was so far removed from the regular season that even I had a little trouble getting ramped up for the game...
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timBUCK2;714751; said:
Could I cast a vote to have all the other conferences finish their schedules when the B10 finishes. Then (here goes a crazy concept) we could move the bowl games up 2 weeks and play the NC game on New Years.

The NC game was so far removed from the regular season that even I had a little trouble getting ramped up for the game...

I really like the idea of moving the bowl games up. I think the Rose (and probably 1 other game) could even stay on New Years as well. That would be one awesome day of college football.
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adding another team, possible ND, would make our conference seem much tougher, similar to that of the SEC. They shoudl also divide it up liek they do for the acc. Putting THE Ohio State University and michigina in seperate divisions or what ever so they could play for the big ten championship. winning the big ten would be even bigger. (but woudl they change the name??)
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acrossthefield;714758; said:
adding another team, possible ND, would make our conference seem much tougher, similar to that of the SEC. They shoudl also divide it up liek they do for the acc. Putting THE Ohio State University and michigina in seperate divisions or what ever so they could play for the big ten championship. winning the big ten would be even bigger. (but woudl they change the name??)

Even though ND is in the area of the Big 10, they would be in no hurry to join. They have that fat TV contract and they don't have to share their bowl moneys with any conference. If anything they would probably join the Big East (where they are in basketball) anyways. Also, having seen what happened to PSU when they joined the Big 10 I can assure you that Notre Dame, even without their TV Contract, is in no rush to join.

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ScarletBlood31;714288; said:
You say that a playoff would put weaker teams in bigger games, as being a bad thing, but this years bowl season showed exactly why that would be better. Out of the 5 BCS games, 3 were blowouts, 1 was a classic, and the other one I doubt anyone but alumni watched. The percieved headline games with the heavy weight teams were very disapointing. Michigan, ND, and OSU were all blown out, when atleast 2 of the games were supposed to be good. The game where the "weaker opponent" was placed in was the only game worth watching.

So if putting "weaker" teams in big games is a downfall for you, then i'm going to have to disagree. Hell, if not for Boise State, the entire BCS bowl season would have been a wash anyway.

1) I didn't argue against a playoff system (as long as some of the games are played east of the Missippi and north of the Mason - Dixon) I argued against a conference playoff game.

2) You're using this year in football only... look at the times when NCAA basketball slots have gone to undeserving teams "becuase they won the tourney." Look at last year when FSU got into the Orange Bowl because they beat Va Tech. You don't always have two deserving teams in a conference playoff system... the Big 12 is a great example.

3) Blow outs happen. How would playoffs have prevented Michigan and OSU from getting blown out? Are you saying that if OSU had played Boise State in a playoff round Boise State would have moved on and given Florida the game the audiance expected?
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I havent read any of the other posts on this thread because im in a bit of a rush, so if I repeat something someone has already said feel free to delete my post.

Living in Statesboro, GA, there are a ton of SEC fans. I attend Georgia Southern University (a prestigous school among the ranks of Div 1-AA football), but it seems almost everyone is either a UGA fan or some SEC team fan.

They look down on the big ten because of it's "weak schedule". They also say that because there isn't a championship game, it hurts our SOS because, for instance, if Iowa goes undefeated in the Big Ten and Ohio State does the same, but aren't on each other's schedules, who is deserving of the automatic BCS bid? Is it to be trusted to the polls, or to the BullshitCS? They do prove a point, but I'm sick of all the gator clapping going on right now.... :(

Anyway, that's just one prespective i've gained from the retarded SEC fans down here. Any feedback is appreciated. Go Bucks! :oh:
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