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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 14, TSUN 3 (final)


I could have gone to Ohio State.

YOU convinced me to come to Michigan.

You guys are, like, SO totally stupid.
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THEOhioState;998905; said:

I could have gone to Ohio State.

YOU convinced me to come to Michigan.

You guys are, like, SO totally stupid.

If only she wasn't a michigan fan....that bitch is FIIIINE.
(looks like tara reid a little)

I don't know why she's so upset....It's OSU's job to beat scUM. I mean, I don't go down to where she works and slap the dick out of her mouth......


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buckeyes_rock;998195; said:
I have to say, I was very impressed with the scUM punter today. I can't believe they didn't name him the scUM player-of-the-game. Anyway, funny that he was the only player on that maize and blue colored team that I noticed as playing well. Gotta hand it to Lllllloyd...he really knows how to fire up his punter!:biggrin:

Good observation, I agree. In my opinion Zoltan Mesko should have been their player of the game. He had 12 punts for a 45.9 yard average; in addition, his punt for 68 yards downed at the Ohio State 4 late in the first half could have been a real momentum changer. Besides nobody else did shit. His name always reminds me of the fortune teller in the movie "Big". :biggrin:

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Good observation, I agree. In my opinion Zoltan Mesko should have been their player of the game. He had 12 punts for a 45.9 yard average; in addition, his punt for 68 yards downed at the Ohio State 4 late in the first half could have been a real momentum changer. Besides nobody else did shit. His name always reminds me of the fortune teller in the movie "Big".
Only Ohio fugitive to show up today, unlike Mario, Crable & Boren.
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Ohio State 14, Michigan 3
Beanie, defense dominate Wolverines
Buckeyes wrap up back-to-back outright Big Ten titles
Saturday, November 17, 2007 8:30 PM
By Ken Gordon

It's a great day to be a Buckeye in the state of Michigan.

ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- This was the moment Chris "Beanie" Wells had waited a year for.
A quiet man by nature, the Ohio State running back had kept his emotions to himself before the 2006 Michigan game, even though tears were welling up in his eyes.
This year, though, he let it all out. In the locker room before the game, he told his teammates that this was it, that nothing they did in their lives would compare with this moment.
"I was emotional today," Wells said. "This is playing Michigan. I don't know what it is, something about that maize and blue, it's kind of like a good vs. evil game."
Wells then went out and, in the eyes of Buckeyes fans, struck the blows for good that ensured the demise of evil.
The sophomore ran for 222 yards, the most rushing yards ever for an Ohio State player against Michigan, and scored both touchdowns in a 14-3 victory in Michigan Stadium.

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The Bottom Line

Saturday, November 17, 2007 7:14 PM
By Ray Stein


The old political arguments about red states and blue states are oh so 2004. Since that year, though, the mud has slung only one way in this classic rivalry, and OSU pretty much looks squeaky clean. Leaves are awarded on a zero-to-five basis.
Offense (3 leaves)
That's three leaves for three syllables -- Beanie Wells. Without him, and his hogmolly pals on the line, the Buckeyes offense might be stalled somewhere around Findlay. Todd Boeckman was no sharper than a Kleenex, and that makes two straight games. Hang in that pocket and deliver, son.
Defense (5 leaves)
Darned right it mattered that the Buckeyes faced a team more banged up than a '70s era Ford Maverick, but 91 yards is 91 yards no matter how you cut it. The front seven dominated, none more than Vernon Gholston. Whipping past flat-footed tackles and destroying QBs never gets old, apparently.

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Buckeyes fans revel in series winning streak

Saturday, November 17, 2007 9:04 PM
By Tom Reed


ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- As a Buckeyes fan residing in Michigan, Bill Novak said life in the late 1980s and '90s wasn't always a pleasant experience.

Each game against the Wolverines seemed to bring a fresh layer of disappointment and ridicule. Trudging to work the Monday after a Michigan loss is vastly different in Flint than Columbus.
"What goes around comes around," said Novak, 50, an Ohio native.
It has been more than 40 years since Novak and his Ohio State football brethren have enjoyed such a dominant stretch against their rivals. The Buckeyes' 14-3 win yesterday in Michigan Stadium gave them their fourth consecutive victory over the Wolverines. It has happened just three times, the last coming from 1960 to '63.

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Going on the offensive works for OSU defense

Saturday, November 17, 2007 8:37 PM
By Tim May


ANN ARBOR, Mich. ? Michigan running back Mike Hart wore his No.20 in Michigan Stadium for the final time yesterday. He might as well have been wearing a bull's-eye, too.
Hart had returned for his senior season largely for another shot at the Buckeyes after he called their defense overrated last season. But the Ohio State defenders owned the day against Michigan, limited the Wolverines to 91 total yards and Hart to 44 on 18 carries in a 14-3 victory in Michigan Stadium. Hart finished 0-4 against Ohio State.
"When you stop Mike Hart, you are able to put them in one dimension, and that's what we were able to do," said linebacker Marcus Freeman, OSU's leading tackler with nine.
The Buckeyes made a con-certed effort of stopping the run after allowing 260 yards last week in a loss to Illinois. Hart had 38 yards on his first five carries yesterday but had only 6 yards on 13 tries thereafter.

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