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Search results

  1. Capital One Bowl: Michigan 41, Florida 35 (final)

    Forgive me Woody, for I rooted for Michigan today. Fuck Florida and that smug son of a bitch, Urban Meyer!
  2. Ticket brokers

    Purchased my scUM tickets on Stubhub.com. The seats were as good as advertised and tickets arrived promptly. It was my only experience buying tickets online, but would rate them very highly. Steve '82
  3. scUM T-Shirt Ideas

    My wife and I went to the big hole in 2003 (we lost). We sat in a section with a lot of students. The first half, students behind us took great pleasure in screaming at us. They figured out that suckeyes and fuckeyes rhyme with buckeyes, and screamed any and all combinations of those two words...
  4. Anyone Heading to Glendale?

    Booked a trip through a travel agent in c-bus. Its a lot of money but WTF. We went on similar trip for the 2003 Fiesta Bowl and it was well worth it. To be there rooting for the Bucks, doing the O-H-I-O chant during the game, and seeing the Buckeyes win the national championship is priceless!
  5. Will someone teach me the legend of Ron Powlus?

    Went to the ND-Meatchicken game this year. Saw Powlus on campus that Sat. People still come up to him to shake hands, and kids get his autograph. Seemed like a nice guy. Hope he does well even though the football hype didn't come true.
  6. Guess What? I need at least two for the BCS Championship Game

    Yeah, I gotta agree. Maybe you will get lucky with some tickets here, but I think it's time to "man up" and pay for some tickets. Especially if you missed the 2003 Fiesta Bowl. These opportunities don't come that often. At least that's what I told my wife. (And God love her, she agreed!)

    I think you're just backing up Herbie.
  8. Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

    I know you all do but... Can you believe we beat Meatchicken, Notre Dame and Texas in 3 of our last 4 games. Freaking unreal. Tressel is such an awsome big game coach. It is a great time to be a Buckeye!
  9. Michigan Lottery--Alumni Ticket Fiasco

    Deez, This is big boy football. If it comes to taking $1000's from a corporation versus $100's from some schmuck alum like you and I, of course they are taking the big bucks. Someone has to pay for all the great facilities and the numerous teams tOSU has. They didn't take away your...
  10. Did MICHIGAN drop Football from their ath dept?

    Maybe LLLLoyd really is a good coach. He just doesn't have any talent.:tongue2:
  11. Anybody going to AA for The Game?

    Ill Buck Was there two years ago for the first time. First of all, leave about two hours earlier than you are currently planning to go to the game. There is no good way to get there from here, no traffic flow, no traffic cops to direct traffic. I was ready to kill after hours of sitting on...
  12. Some Post-Game Thoughts - Indiana 2005

    I too would encourage fans to go to Bloomington for a game. The atmosphere is laid back and the IU fans are friendly. While looking for a place to eat before the game, an IU parking attendant pointed us to "the tent with the green balloons, where the governor is giving away free food". Sure...
  13. Game thread: USC 34, Notre Dame 31 (Final)

    Yo, Chief! Aren't you glad "what's his name" went to Florida?
  14. ASU or ND... Thoughts

    Of the original two, I'd pick ND. I went to the ND/MSU game two Saturdays ago. Those ND kids can play offense, though the defense is suspect. Maybe with a good running/passing game, good coaching, and home field, ND could win a shoot out. USC is like scUM in my book, I'll be happy no matter who...
  15. Observations from A deck (Texas 2005)

    Of course, you are right. All the kids played hard, gave it their all in a hell of a game. They probably wanted to win almost as much as I did. Guess my post is just frustration at the offensive coaching/play calling, and losing after being so close. There were so many ups and downs, we were...
  16. Observations from A deck (Texas 2005)

    What if Huston had made the field goal? What if Hamby had made that catch in the end zone? What if Ginn had continued running to the right on the kick return? What if Zwick hadn't fumbled on his last series? How many times can Smith run the ball? What if we had an offensive coordinator...
  17. Favorite OSU Football moment? (Merged)

    It's Sept. 30, 1995 and Notre Dame is in the shoe. There are 95,537 fans in the stands, the largest crowd ever at that time. For the past two years my wife, a ND fan, has been telling me ND will kick our butts. We are both in the stands, she's dressed in green and gold, I'm dressed in scarlet...
  18. Where did you sit/stand?

    30AA, row 10, Seat 19 & 20. Right across from the band. Great view of the team coming on and off the field. It was so loud, my wife said at times she could not hear herself scream. We never sat down during the game. Best game since the NC Fiesta Bowl. I have a few pics, but don't know how to...