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Will someone teach me the legend of Ron Powlus?


Semper Fi Buckeyes
He played a few years before I started following football so I really don't know much about him. All I know is he was a QB for Notre Dame and Beano Cook predicted he'd win 3 Heismans. What kind of a player was he? What kind of stats did he put up? Did he play in the NFL? I want some details, please.
Ron Powlus was a steel drivin' man.

Washed his face in a fryin' pan.

Had a blue ox.

That is about all I remember -

- except that he was to great quarterbacks as Chralie Weis is to great coaches.
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There are a few things I remember about the legend that is Ron Powlus:

1- For people who think Claussen or Quinn have gotten hype when recruited, Powlus was hyped about 100000000x more than that. Not only did Beano the Hutt think he was going to win 3 Heismans (he claims he said 2 now, but that's a load of crap) but everyone else said they would win at least 2 NCs while he was there

2- Powlus wasn't a bad player, but the thing I remember most about him is that he did absolutely nothing very well...not throwing, scrambling, making decisions, running the team, improvising, sticking to the progressions...nothing. He was the ultimate definition of an average QB, because everything he did was average.

3- He was the QB we layed waste to....twice.

4- He regressed over his 4 years. He threw for 1729 and 19 TDs as a freshman, and by the time he was a senior it was 2078 yards and only 9 TDs. The 2 seasons in between it was about 1900 yards and 12 TDs. Not terrible, but nothing great, as evidenced by his completely average play.

5- Most of the teams he was supposed to lead to greatness were mediocre. As a freshman in 1994 they were 6-5-1, as a soph in 95 they were 9-3, in 96 they were 8-3, and as a senior they were just 7-6.

6- He was 1-2-1 against USC, 0-2 against OSU, 0-2 against Michigan, and 0-2 against Florida State...so if there was a big game, chances are he didn't win it

7- Powlus layed the foundation for complete bowl futility at ND. After winning the 93 Cotton Bowl before him to finish #2, they lost to Colorado in 94, Florida State in 95, and LSU in 97, and havn't won one since.

8- A final basic thought is that ND was coming off of the 93 season where they had a good argument for being #1. Powlus was supposed to put them over the top, and instead they never really got close.
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Went to the ND-Meatchicken game this year. Saw Powlus on campus that Sat. People still come up to him to shake hands, and kids get his autograph. Seemed like a nice guy. Hope he does well even though the football hype didn't come true.
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I could have sworn Beano said that Powlus would win 4 Heismans. Oh well. When you're over 40, the more certain you are, the less likely you are to be right.

Powlus got one of the ugliest broken arms I've ever seen in a futile attempt to avoid a pass rush. His elbow was shoved straight into his shoulder by the ground. The humorus(sp?) just disappeared.
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