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Guess What? I need at least two for the BCS Championship Game

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Well, I didn't manage to cough up the money for the game last weekend but I've already booked my flight to Phoenix and looking for a FRIENDLY Buckeye fan to sell me some tickets for Glendale. Not a broker, don't really care to buy from a broker unless you have FAIR prices. Please PM if you can help. Will pay cash, pay pal, whatever. Can even trade Architectural services for tickets.:osu:
chicago_buckeye;667440; said:
Well, I didn't manage to cough up the money for the game last weekend but I've already booked my flight to Phoenix and looking for a FRIENDLY Buckeye fan to sell me some tickets for Glendale. Not a broker, don't really care to buy from a broker unless you have FAIR prices. Please PM if you can help. Will pay cash, pay pal, whatever. Can even trade Architectural services for tickets.:osu:

Seriously, you'll have to be lucky enough to get in the lottery and then win or buy from a broker. Even if you buy from a "friendly" Buckeye this is America and Capitalism runs wild. Expect to pay over $1000/ticket.

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Puntboy has this one spot on. The gloves are off now,unless you win a ticket lotttery, no way you see the inside of the stadium for less than $1k. And don't waste your time hanging around the parking lot until just before kickoff looking for a "desperate" seller. There won't be any.
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Yeah, I gotta agree. Maybe you will get lucky with some tickets here, but I think it's time to "man up" and pay for some tickets. Especially if you missed the 2003 Fiesta Bowl. These opportunities don't come that often.

At least that's what I told my wife. (And God love her, she agreed!)
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