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Zach Smith (Official Thread)

I read the "article" on watchstadium.com, out of morbid curiosity, and it's clear that McMurphy doesn't have any more of an editor than when he was freelancing on facebook. He is still just a terribly sloppy writer, who really needs to use more commas, and he uses the same story structure of bouncing back in forth in time just to confuse the reader with excessive extraneous facts. And has any "professional" "journalist" ever put more stock in what someone shows him on their phone?

Pantages, of UF, and Leah Grimes indicated LeBron has not spoken with Trevon for more than two years and they have not had “any contact whatsoever.” The call history on LeBron’s cell phone indicates that LeBron received calls from Trevon’s phone twice on Oct. 19 during Florida’s open week before playing Georgia. One call lasted six minutes, the other for eight minutes. LeBron says it was Trevon on the other end of those calls.
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None of this shitshow is in any way a good thing for the Buckeyes or for The Ohio State University.
I disagree very strongly with that.

OSU was not merely dragged through the gutter, they are considered the gutter itself by most outsiders.
Present tense, not past.
OSU had very tepid support of Meyer.
OSU had terrible messaging in their response (partially for lawsuit protection)
OSU had very mixed reactions and support for Meyer from media and other sources.

OSU opened the season without a coach.
OSU sleepwalked through much of the season in terms of fire and intensity from some units.

Now the primary villain who dragged them through hell is attacking them with obvious fiction, and finally the outside world is seeing those lies for what they were.

The only downside is that Michigan is not for 11 days.
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