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Zach Smith (Official Thread)

well.. i was referring to the idiot in who’s thread we’re in but this works as well :)

True but this is another case of McMoron over-reaching. If he says "Zach Smith used a racial slur in argument with player", I doubt you'd have the tweets from PC or Dixon or Mack (or at least with the vehemence you have now). But since he put Urban's name to it, now the players are circling the wagons and maybe, just maybe, getting that slight push they've really needed to rally around their leader.

We'll see what Saturday brings.
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How do you cover up a racial slur? It either happened or it didn't.....but it's not like there's a paper trail that you need to cover it up.

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I wonder how far down OSU transfer Trevon Grimes’ dad was on the last ditch desperation list of people for Brett McMurphy to contact? Like halfway down? Or like very last attempt?
The good news is, this story finally has the general consensus question Brett’s integrity. I haven’t read it but the overwhelming response is it was gross, should not have been published and he apparently has no editor reigning him in.

He is getting rightfully clowned right now.
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I've seen mentions that his mother denies the whole thing too but no one is linking that yet.
His own father had no ill words towards Urban just this month. No one is corroborating this story. Brett’s source schooled him.

And this is where I need “Barry” to drive it home, say Zach Smith was the one that sold his cousin the overdosed marijuana, watch Brett run with it and we can exile this fool for eternity. :lol:
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His own father had no ill words towards Urban just this month. No one is corroborating this story. Brett’s source schooled him.

And this is where I need Barry to drive it home, say Zach Smith was the one that sold his cousin the overdosed marijuana, watch Brett run with it and we can exile this fool for eternity. :lol:

Man that's like a bad pro/fake wrestling promo.

I'd die a happy man if McDumbfuck were to be trolled in such a way.
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I wonder how far down OSU transfer Trevon Grimes’ dad was on the last ditch desperation list of people for Brett McMurphy to contact? Like halfway down? Or like very last attempt?

I’m really beginning to wonder how desperate Herman and McMurphy are at this point... Herman and likely Warriner are the origins of these stories...
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