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You're a hipster if.....

You can throw a stick of dynamite or a worm in a hole of water and get fish. You can drag a net through and get fish. You can also cast a lure of your own device and get a fish. Some methods are a means to an end--you get dinner. Some are intellectually and philosophically rewarding--dinner isn't the priority. You can spend a lot of money on fly fishing gear or not. You can also drive a Pinto or a Mercedes. Until the French revolutionized the spinning reel (pretty much allowing any idiot to cast a 100 yards) recreational fishing--bait cast or fly rod--took a fair amount of skill. A hipster that can master a flyrod is not a hipster--he's an elitist prick. Viva elitist pricks!
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You can throw a stick of dynamite or a worm in a hole of water and get fish. You can drag a net through and get fish. You can also cast a lure of your own device and get a fish. Some methods are a means to an end--you get dinner. Some are intellectually and philosophically rewarding--dinner isn't the priority. You can spend a lot of money on fly fishing gear or not. You can also drive a Pinto or a Mercedes. Until the French revolutionized the spinning reel (pretty much allowing any idiot to cast a 100 yards) recreational fishing--bait cast or fly rod--took a fair amount of skill. A hipster that can master a flyrod is not a hipster--he's an elitist prick. Viva elitist pricks!

eh, you know... I can't think of much more philosophically rewarding as catching your dinner and feeding you or your family... but to each his own...

My point, and think Crump's Bro's was the ridiculous purification of fly fishing (much to the detriment of sane pricing following function...) the probem with you anaogy of course is... that there's a tangible performance difference (presumably, I've never had the pleasure of driving a Pinto) between a Pinto or a Benz... in no way shape or form does an Orvis Reel perform its function better than an old rusty sears catalog Ted Williams automatic fly reel (mark that one down hipsters, I'm doing you a favor... Zebco 202 my ass, there's a drag on that thing, you don't need all that, automatic fly reels, that's where the wow this is cool that no one uses you can find at a garage sale is at). Does the rod make a difference, some, does the quality of the line you're using make a difference? Absolutely. I get it though, and I'm certainly not immune... I've got a watch or two that doesn't keep as good of time as your average Timex at a substantially higher price... but, personally I don't fine fly fishing any more sexy than any other kind*. There's plenty of skill in catching fish you can't see vs ones you can, too. And as for ridiculous amounts of money spent, you know, those big block mercruisers suck up plenty of $. So, I'm not winning on that count either. (and I've seen Crump's Bro's rig... lol... not too shabby)

* because a fishing story must inevitably follow... Maybe the funnest single hour fishing I ever had was with a fly rod... my step dad an I were putting the boat in on the Huron river in the spring a couple years ago... and we got it in and in the slip and about 4 million carp were in the river spawning and I had been playing around the day before trying to catch browns in clear fork and had a thought of cruising over to the Vermillion later that day, but we just went out on the end of the docks and started firing nymphs at any carp we saw... it was a slaughter (well, I mean we didn't keep them or anything) but we could have caught a fish every two casts until it got dark... one of those moments you just happen upon.... way fun.
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Unless I'm on the ice-artificial only.

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I feel saddened that the lines in this country have grown so hateful that we pick on certain groups because of "lifestyle".
Funny? Or just the expression of hatred for those that are "different".
What next?
How about the unwashed who enjoy hotdogs on a barbeque?
Or "flavored" beer?
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And I'm fascinated by those who wade out into a cold stream to tease a trout with something that doesn't look like an edible bug??
Why would you risk a fall and getting your ass wet?bait.jpg
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I feel saddened that the lines in this country have grown so hateful that we pick on certain groups because of "lifestyle".
Funny? Or just the expression of hatred for those that are "different".
What next?
How about the unwashed who enjoy hotdogs on a barbeque?
Or "flavored" beer?
Hey, I have a friend who is a hipster!

All joking aside, we all deserve to be picked on. Anything else is just hyperbole.-and anyone who uses hyperbole should be shot.
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I feel saddened that the lines in this country have grown so hateful that we pick on certain groups because of "lifestyle".
Funny? Or just the expression of hatred for those that are "different".
What next?
How about the unwashed who enjoy hotdogs on a barbeque?
Or "flavored" beer?

I hate all them too.

Wait, who?
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eh, you know... I can't think of much more philosophically rewarding as catching your dinner and feeding you or your family... but to each his own...

My point, and think Crump's Bro's was the ridiculous purification of fly fishing (much to the detriment of sane pricing following function...) the probem with you anaogy of course is... that there's a tangible performance difference (presumably, I've never had the pleasure of driving a Pinto) between a Pinto or a Benz... in no way shape or form does an Orvis Reel perform its function better than an old rusty sears catalog Ted Williams automatic fly reel (mark that one down hipsters, I'm doing you a favor... Zebco 202 my ass, there's a drag on that thing, you don't need all that, automatic fly reels, that's where the wow this is cool that no one uses you can find at a garage sale is at). Does the rod make a difference, some, does the quality of the line you're using make a difference? Absolutely. I get it though, and I'm certainly not immune... I've got a watch or two that doesn't keep as good of time as your average Timex at a substantially higher price... but, personally I don't fine fly fishing any more sexy than any other kind*. There's plenty of skill in catching fish you can't see vs ones you can, too. And as for ridiculous amounts of money spent, you know, those big block mercruisers suck up plenty of $. So, I'm not winning on that count either. (and I've seen Crump's Bro's rig... lol... not too shabby)

* because a fishing story must inevitably follow... Maybe the funnest single hour fishing I ever had was with a fly rod... my step dad an I were putting the boat in on the Huron river in the spring a couple years ago... and we got it in and in the slip and about 4 million carp were in the river spawning and I had been playing around the day before trying to catch browns in clear fork and had a thought of cruising over to the Vermillion later that day, but we just went out on the end of the docks and started firing nymphs at any carp we saw... it was a slaughter (well, I mean we didn't keep them or anything) but we could have caught a fish every two casts until it got dark... one of those moments you just happen upon.... way fun.
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