As far as I know, only those here plus OSUgirl who is waiting until there's a cooler crowd to join in the lack of fun. :P
I keep meaning to email Oh8ch and a few others about it, but never get around to it. You all can tell anyone you like, I'm not pushing the site personally until I get a back-end programmed up for the stats, and can build at least a basic framework for the main content areas.
Stats and player writings. We'll leave all opinions to the boards (I respect Biddle and Babb well enough, just not sure why their thoughts are 'articles' instead of posts), and news to the other sites. In fact, I've taken to calling BP a future "resource" not a future "site". The difference being scope. There are already great OSU sites out there, I'm not aware of any truly dedicated resource. I should change that filler text on the front page.
I have to admit that I've been cheating on Bucknuts lately. Got pulled into a forum with a ton of former cryptointel Marine-types, and have been having a freaking BLAST in there with equally brain-damaged peers. I'll get back on BN shortly, there has to be room in my life for 2, er 3, forums.