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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

NFBuck;1760097; said:
This is a key point. I still want to see how he reacts to pressure. A couple of really bad throws deep (that good teams would probably pick off) gives me some pause, but I think (hope) that was just a case of his being over confident against a weaker opponent. Overall though, couldn't ask for a much better start. His mechanics looked sinificantly improved and he had good zip on most of his throws. Just gotta lay off the 90 mph fastballs to his running backs...
What I noticed most was Pryor looked comfortable moving up in the pocket. During his Freshman season, Pryor simply would not move up in the pocket - like a lot of Freshman, as soon as he sensed any pressure, he was taking off. It worked for him because he's "that good." His Soph. year, it was not until the Purdue loss that I first saw him step into the pocket. I remember saying to DGADBTWSOM and Ryn, "There it is. Now he gets it" It was an incompletion, but I finally saw evidence that he could be a pocket passer.

Last night, I saw him not only step up into the pocket, but do so with confidence ... poise. He looked like a completely different QB last night. Very encouraged.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1760128; said:
Last night, I saw him not only step up into the pocket, but do so with confidence ... poise. He looked like a completely different QB last night. Very encouraged.

the one play in particular was telling, it was very similar to the Illinois play last year when he shrugged off an untouched blitzer simply because he is such a beast

this year, he saw the untouched blitzer coming, seemingly waited an extra moment or two to give the guy some hope, and then took a half step forward at the last moment forcing the blitzer to completely whiff

the best part? last year he took off running, this year, (if I'm not mistaken) he stayed in the pocket and completed the pass

yeah, he looked and moved much better in the pocket last night
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Duane Long says Terrelle made no bad decisions. Although his bad decisions were limited, he threw one deep to Posey into double coverage towards the south endzone that would have probably been picked off had we been playing Miami, Iowa, PSU, etc. As long as he can keep himself from forcing passes like that, we'll be in good situations with this passing attack all season.

What I liked most about Pryor was his vision and overall knowledge of his position. First touchdown of the game was an example of his maturity. He held the linebackers and safeties by looking in the middle of the field and even to the right, but he knew he was going to Posey the entire time. Throws a good pass to a receiver and made it look like he was throwing against air or Michigan's 2nd team D. I really liked his presence out there as well. Seemed comfortable in the pocket which is something I haven't seen in the past, even with tremendous pass protection frankly. Hell, you can even watch the Oregon game and see him get anxious when he goes through multiple progressions without any pressure at all. I think that's why you heard him say in the post game stuff that he felt his best play was hitting his 4th check down in the fullback. It's something he has undoubtedly spent countless hours working on.

Little side note: How exciting is it to see the formation with both Saine and Boom lined up next to TP, Jake at TE, and Posey and Sanz split out? Lots of weapons!
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Buckskin86;1760170; said:

Nice. I'm not word for word, but when asked about playing Miami next week he said it's a blessing to get the chance to play against the Hurricanes and it's going to be a show.

That gets me amped. TP seemed completely confident and relaxed and ready to run out there next week and put on a show! I know it was just Marshall, but he had a totally different demeanor out there. The game is slowing down and things are starting to click. Yesterday could be the start of an amazing run.

Go Bucks!
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GeorgiaBuck2;1761782; said:
Terrelle stated after the game that his knee brace slows him down and doesn't know how long he'll have to wear it. I hope he doesn't have to wear it to long. He did look noticeably slower in the game.
I didn't notice it, as a matter of fact, there was a run early in the game where I thought he looked faster.

He has always been such a smooth runner and never appeared to be running at max speed, but would pull away from defenders. I didn't notice any labored runs Thursday like we saw at the Rose Bowl early on.
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GeorgiaBuck2;1761799; said:
Haha, no. I was watching on a crappy stream on my computer though. I don't know, just didn't think he looked as explosive as were used to seeing.

He looked pretty quick to me, he has never really LOOKED like he's going that fast because of the strides but he covers a lot of ground
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GeorgiaBuck2;1761799; said:
Haha, no. I was watching on a crappy stream on my computer though. I don't know, just didn't think he looked as explosive as were used to seeing.

It's just funny because I was thinking the opposite. When he took off, he looked like he was accelerating faster than in the past. I attribute it to decisiveness rather than being faster but he certainly didn't look physically slower to me.
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