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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

Terelle's Wristbands

Stupid questions but my kids are bugging the crap out of me and Google yields nothing - does anyone know what those wristbands are that TP wears, like in the centerfold of the OSU SI issue this year? They look like they say GC or CG ...
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buckeye4ever21;1760103; said:
He had 2,100 yds last year. So that wouldn't be that much of a stretch. I hope he gets to 3,000, but he does look good.

As much as I'd like 3000 yards, when was the last time OSU passed for that much? I can't find a good stat warehouse, but as far as I can tell, no Tressel-led OSU team has ever had a QB throw for 3000 yards. Heck, Smith threw for under 2600 in the 2006 NC run :-\
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BiggestBuknut;1762273; said:
Stupid questions but my kids are bugging the crap out of me and Google yields nothing - does anyone know what those wristbands are that TP wears, like in the centerfold of the OSU SI issue this year? They look like they say GC or CG ...

The gray one says "Thank you God, I am Grateful"...


And from what I have read... teal is for ovarian cancer awareness and orange is for MS awareness.
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i just watched the marshall game for the first time since being there, and i noticed that TP changed a lot of his mechanics. this is really good to see out of him. he just looks so much comfortable back in the pocket, and when the pocket collapses. i like the comment that they BTN commentators made about him and jim bollman. bollman said that what hed like to see most out of pryor was for him to be 100% consistent, and not reverting to his old self. i saw a lot of this in him as the game went on, but bollman was right about TP not reverting to his old self. i noticed in a broken down play that he tried to lead one of the wrs down field near the corner of the endzone in double coverage, but im sure he'll grow from it. if he continues to progress and not try to always be the hero, he WILL win the heisman.
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buckeyes_rock;1763547; said:
And #1 is the Boise St QB? That kid will put up some ridiculous numbers against the crap teams they play. :roll1:

Kellen Moore led Boise on a 2-minute drill to come from behind and win against Virginia Tech 2,500 miles from home. He earned the #1 spot this week. It's only one week.

If Pryor plays well against Miami, he'll be #1.
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Dryden;1763606; said:
Kellen Moore led Boise on a 2-minute drill to come from behind and win against Virginia Tech 2,500 miles from home. He earned the #1 spot this week. It's only one week.

If Pryor plays well against Miami, he'll be #1.

actually it was a 38 second drill but whos counting......:biggrin:
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The-Ozone, Ohio State Football, Wrestling, Softball, Basketball, Terrelle Pryor Riding High into Miami Game

Notebook: Pryor Riding High into Miami Game
By Brandon Castel
COLUMBUS ? Terrelle Pryor wasn?t perfect against Marshall in Ohio State?s season-opener last Thursday, but it was good enough for his best performance in three seasons under center?at least in the eyes of his coaches.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Terrelle Pryor[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Photo by Jim Davidson [/FONT]

?I think it was the best grade he's had since he's been here,? OSU Head Coach Jim Tressel said Tuesday during his weekly press conference.
?Which means he did a lot of the little things, because that's where you lose points, some of those things that no one even sees but we need to do. He graded solid.?
Coming off an impressive performance in the Rose Bowl, Pryor completed 17 of his 25 passes for 247 yards in a 45-7 win over the Thundering Herd. He threw three touchdowns and no interceptions, but it still wasn?t good enough for him to grade out with a ?winning performance.?



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TS10HTW;1763686; said:
He threw three touchdowns and no interceptions, but it still wasn't good enough for him to grade out with a 'winning performance.'
Muffing a snap then chucking it into triple coverage in a panic doesn't grade highly on JTs scale, I'd reckon.
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