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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

Dryden;1763802; said:
Muffing a snap then chucking it into triple coverage in a panic doesn't grade highly on JTs scale, I'd reckon.

Don't think he muffed the snap...the snap looked pretty bad. Still, what he did with the ball after that was not too good....
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Yeah, the snap wasn't his fault. The whole 2nd team line was in at that time and the center basically rolled the ball to Terrelle's feet and then was forced to pick it up and throw it away off of his back foot. I believe it looked worse than what it really was.
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GeorgiaBuck2;1763830; said:
Yeah, the snap wasn't his fault. The whole 2nd team line was in at that time and the center basically rolled the ball to Terrelle's feet and then was forced to pick it up and throw it away off of his back foot. I believe it looked worse than what it really was.

I don't think it was a big deal. Frankly, we'd have been better off if the ball had been intercepted as it would have been deep inside their territory.
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Terrelle's improved his footwork in the off-season, and it shows. I didn't catch any throws (except for the bad snap) where he didn't step into it. Better trajectory, pace, and accuracy for the most part, and that will alleviate most of the problems he had throwing over the middle. Just being aware of stepping towards the target makes his passes more on time, whereas last year he seemed to wait until he had to throw off his back foot.

That deep ball just beyond Posey's fingers? That's gonna be dead on more than once.
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Terrelle is up for several awards this season and the Davey O'Brien award actually incorporates online voting in part of the process. It's simple(and free)to register just enter your email and vote once a day.

I posted this link earlier but in case you missed it...do your civic internet duty and vote for Terrelle!


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matcar;1763860; said:
I don't think it was a big deal. Frankly, we'd have been better off if the ball had been intercepted as it would have been deep inside their territory.

Quite true, since the next play was the blocked FG.
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TS10HTW;1764018; said:
Terrelle is up for several awards this season and the Davey O'Brien award actually incorporates online voting in part of the process. It's simple(and free)to register just enter your email and vote once a day.

I posted this link earlier but in case you missed it...do your civic internet duty and vote for Terrelle!



My civic duty is completed for the day! GO BUCKS!!
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TJnTN;1765013; said:
OSU football: Don't boo LeBron, Pryor pleads


It would be extremely lame and not to mention embarrassing if fans are booing if Lebron is on the sidelines. All I can say is, get the f**k over it. Every time I hear whiney Tennessee fans here in town b*tch about Lane Kiffin, even now, 6 months later.....I say the same thing.....GET OVER IT!

yah because lane kiffin and lebron's situations are comparable on so many levels
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y0yoyoin;1765020; said:
yah because lane kiffin and lebron's situations are comparable on so many levels
You're right. They really are apples and oranges. Kiffin actually was involved with Tennessee athletics. A better comparison would be if, say, Chris Johnson showed up in support of UT after telling the Titans "Hey, go fuck yourself" a few months before.
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Speaking of TP's maturity...

this is from the Dispatch:

Ohio State receiver DeVier Posey said he told Pryor that since James left, Pryor is now the top sports star in Ohio.
"It could be true in some manner," Pryor said, smiling as if slightly embarrassed. "Buckeye football is huge. I found that out the past two years."

A younger Pryor might not have turned the focus back on TEAM as easily.
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y0yoyoin;1765020; said:
yah because lane kiffin and lebron's situations are comparable on so many levels

I'm just saying there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it. Do I think what Lebron did was lame? Yes. But does b*tching about it for eternity do any good? Would booing at an OSU game do anything but make fans look bad? Think about how the players would feel.....

All I'm saying is I think it's time to let this go. If you want to go to a Cavs game when Miami is in town and boo......go for it. Leave it out of Ohio Stadium. Personally, I'm just sick of hearing about it.
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TJnTN;1765030; said:
I'm just saying there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it. Do I think what Lebron did was lame? Yes. But does b*tching about it for eternity do any good? Would booing at an OSU game do anything but make fans look bad? Think about how the players would feel.....

All I'm saying is I think it's time to let this go. If you want to go to a Cavs game when Miami is in town and boo......go for it. Leave it out of Ohio Stadium. Personally, I'm just sick of hearing about it.
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CalvinistBuck;1764707; said:
A short video (5:44) of TP being interviewed after practice today is posted on The O-zone. NEWS. Ohio State Football, Basketball, Hockey, Baseball, Wrestling, Softball, and More

No strategy insights, but I think the interview will still interest many Buckeye fans. He appears mature and focused.

I can't wait till Saturday!

Yeah, not only is he saying the right things, but his whole demeanor with the reporters is just looser and more confident. He looks ready...definitely a more mature young man. Let's hope that equals lots of success on the field Saturday!
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