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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

great to see him shoot upfield a few times.....even if it was for 4 yards it was better than zero yards getting strung out to the sideline...he also lowered his shoulder today instead of stepping OB or just getting down.

I think the coaching staff and Terrelle heard a lot of the critiscm and answered nicely...in terms of taking what is given, and being more physical.
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It's great that Pryor had a confidence building day, but those two silly Minny turnovers flattered us a bit in the third quarter. The Minnesota secondary didn't look like much of a challenge either.

Despite the good game, I am a bit disappointed that, after the opening drive, Ohio State did not have more long, sustained drives. I hope that next week Pryor has a chance to lead us down the field in a few of those, rather than the 3 and out or 4 and score type drives. He needs to get the feel of running the offense like that and keeping them on the field, in my opinion.
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Steve19;1575732; said:
I hope that next week Pryor has a chance to lead us down the field in a few of those, rather than the 3 and out or 4 and score type drives.

As long as it ends in "score", I don't care how many plays it takes.

Personally, I was glad to see us take advantage of a defense that was stacking against the run and short stuff today, and hit them with some big plays.
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Steve19;1575732; said:
It's great that Pryor had a confidence building day, but those two silly Minny turnovers flattered us a bit in the third quarter. The Minnesota secondary didn't look like much of a challenge either.

Gotta disagree...Traye Simmons will likely be a 1st team All-Big Ten defender with the year he is having and Sherels is no slouch either. The front 7 is the weak link for Minnesota, their secondary is pretty tough. I would chalk this up to good preparation, time to throw the ball and execution honestly.

But what I originally came on this thread to say is how impressed I am with Pryor's mental toughness. With the kind of criticism he was under and just coming off what was likely the worst performance of his recent memory, he came up big and responded to great adversity. I am glad we won and the team benefited from TP's play, but above all I am happy that Terrelle was able to redeem himself, for now at least. Granted he has a ways to go, at least we know he is resiliant.
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how impressed I am with Pryor's mental toughness. With the kind of criticism he was under and just coming off what was likely the worst performance of his recent memory, he came up big and responded to great adversity.

Good Point.. and then starting the game with some easy throws that were incomplete he easily could have folded there but didn't.
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RB07OSU;1576111; said:
Gotta disagree...Traye Simmons will likely be a 1st team All-Big Ten defender with the year he is having and Sherels is no slouch either. The front 7 is the weak link for Minnesota, their secondary is pretty tough. I would chalk this up to good preparation, time to throw the ball and execution honestly.

Not sure why, but Minny ranks #75 in pass defense and #95 in total defense. According to the NCAA, in the Big Ten, they rank 7th in pass efficiency defense, 8th in pass defense, and 10th in rushing, scoring, and total defense (link).

I know you're not saying this, but this is not what Ohio State faced yesterday...

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For all the negativity that was thrown towards Pryor this week I thought he handled himself very well yesterday and played a hell of a game. He threw for 239 yds and ran it for another 100. I'll take that any day of the week.

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