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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)


Michigan's loss was Ohio State's gain in Terrelle Pryor recruitment

Posted by [URL="http://blog.cleveland.com/sports/about.html"][EMAIL="[email protected]"]Branson Wright[/EMAIL], Plain Dealer Reporter[/URL] November 19, 2008 11:43AM


APMichigan coach Rich Rodriguez (left) missed out on Terrelle Pryor (right). Could it cost Rodriguez even more?

Ohio State won a victory over Michigan months before Saturday's upcoming game between the two programs.
When the Buckeyes signed top recruit quarterback Terrelle Pryor at quarterback, it was not only a mighty catch for OSU but at the same time, a major blow to Michigan, as reported in The Toledo Blade.
Anytime you can sign a player (especially when he's No. 1 in the nation) that your archrival also coveted, it makes the signing that much sweeter.

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Bravado suits Pryor, but not his coach

Thursday, November 20, 2008 3:09 AM
By Ken Gordon


Where quarterback Terrelle Pryor goes, bold statements and bravado seem to follow.
The Ohio State freshman has produced his share of eyebrow-raising incidents and quotes this year:
? He engaged in some indirect give-and-take with ESPN analyst Mark May, who questioned Pryor's ability to win a tough game at Wisconsin (he did).
? He jawed with a Minnesota coach who Pryor said taunted him about running out of bounds. On the next chance he got, he lowered a shoulder into a Gophers defender rather than head out of bounds.

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The complete package U-M to get first-hand look at Ohio State's talented Pryor

Thursday, November 20, 2008 BY JOHN HEUSER
The Ann Arbor News

It was a mid-January night, and the nation's No. 1 high school football prospect entered Crisler Arena to chants of "We want Pryor! We want Pryor!''
After Terrelle Pryor settled into his seat, a cheerleader at the University of Michigan-Iowa men's basketball game handed him a yellow T-shirt. Later, when the quarterback from Pennsylvania left Crisler through the arena tunnel, he tossed the shirt to a man nearby and indicated he didn't want it back. :biggrin:
Perhaps Pryor's action on his recruiting visit was a sign of things to come.
Since Pryor picked Ohio State over Michigan in March, the Wolverines' hard luck has continued. Michigan is 3-8 overall this season, 2-5 in the Big Ten. What's more, the Wolverines have struggled mightily at the quarterback position, and rank last in the Big Ten in passing efficiency.

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Column: Can OSU's Pryor escape Michigan again?

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November 19, 2008 - 11:56 PM
Jim Naveau

COLUMBUS - Just imagine if Terrelle Pryor were pulling on a Michigan jersey instead of an Ohio State jersey on Saturday morning.
Rory Nicol, like thousands of Ohio State fans, prefers not to think about that.
"That's not a good thought," the OSU tight end said earlier this week.
Ohio State's precocious freshman quarterback was the prize in a high-level recruiting battle between OSU, Michigan and some of the other heavyweights of college football last winter.
The recruiters made so many trips to his hometown in western Pennsylvania that they were volunteering local restaurant recommendations even if you didn't ask.

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Michigan, Ohio State coaches reflect on recruiting war for Terrelle Pryor

by Doug Lesmerises/Plain Dealer Reporter Wednesday November 19, 2008, 7:37 PM

Marvin Fong/The Plain DealerBuckeyes' freshman quarterback Terrelle Pryor was at the center of an intense recruiting war this past summer between Ohio State and Michigan.

COLUMBUS -- When coach Rich Rodriguez made the decision to leave West Virginia for Michigan, one of the first calls he made was to Terrelle Pryor. When Pryor finally ended his recruiting process more than month after National Signing Day, choosing the Buckeyes over the Wolverines, he couldn't call Rodriguez to tell him the news.
"My dad told him. I didn't tell him," said Pryor, who also had his father inform Penn State assistant Tom Bradley of his commitment to Ohio State. "I had a relationship with Rich Rodriguez and some of his staff members. It was kind of hard to say no to him.
"They were the top team I was going to go to if not for here."
So the recruit that would have slipped right into Rodriguez's offense at Michigan never said goodbye, though they'll probably say hello Saturday when coach and target meet for the first time on the field when the Wolverines come to Ohio Stadium.

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BuckeyeNation27;1332405; said:
these kind of stories for both the PSU and now michigan games piss me off. they didn't lose Pryor....they never even had a shot. they make it seem like Pryor was torn between several different schools. they "lost" Pryor like we "lost" Graham Harrell.

Pretty much what I was getting to in my last post.

What does it say about those programs when the biggest news story bout their teams continues to be Ohio State's QB?

In 2010 before Ohio State plays State Penn are we still going to be getting an earful of "what could have been" regarding Pryor?

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Pryor to be tested by school he jilted - College Football - Rivals.com

Pryor to be tested by school he jilted

By RUSTY MILLER, AP Sports Writer 4 hours, 39 minutes ago COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)?Ohio State tight end Rory Nicol didn?t think there was anything special about rivalries?until the opening kickoff of his first game against Michigan.
?I was a freshman and Ernest Shazor knocked me into, probably, the third week of my junior year,? he said, wincing at the thought.
Nicol?s story may provide some insight as Ohio State?s touted freshman quarterback, Terrelle Pryor, prepares for his first game against Michigan. A native of Jeannette, Pa., Pryor isn?t steeped in the traditions and the enmity of the series. Yet.
After the Buckeyes? 30-20 win last week at Illinois, Pryor said of the Wolverines: ?I just think of them as every other team. They?re just another team to me until I get into this rivalry.?

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