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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

But I agree with his points; I watched the Sugar Bowl - I wasn't impressed at all with their recievers - Knowshown moreno is great and all, but he's not superman. You can win a national championship with just an average or serviceable QB - Stafford is pretty good, but he's not anything to wow about.
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TheIronColonel;1203339; said:
Stafford may have finished the season stronger than Boeckman, but if you look at the numbers for the entire year Boeckman looks as good or better. I'm not claiming Boeckman is God, but Stafford really doesn't impress me very much.

The numbers seem to back you up IC (or should I call you FeCol?).

In 2006, MS was ranked 86 in passing efficiency.

In 2007, with the addition of Moreno to the backfield, he rocketed all the way to 56th in passing efficiency.

And don't discount the difference that serious threat in the backfield can make on the passing game.
In 2000, with LT in his backfield, Casey Printers of TCU was 4th in passing efficiency.

The next year, with LT gone, Printers plummeted to 57th. (Which is one notch ahead of where Stafford ranks WITH Moreno.)

That's the biggest drop in PE ranking by any quarterback since 1999 at least. It may be much longer, but I only went back that far in the data.​
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OSU football notebook: Film could help Pryor develop

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 3:03 AM
By Tim May

How much freshman Terrelle Pryor will contribute for Ohio State this season remains to be seen, but from what coach Jim Tressel can ascertain, his prized quarterback recruit is putting in the work. "I've heard good things," said Tressel, who isn't allowed coaching interaction during the summer, even though Pryor is enrolled and on campus. "I'm hearing that he loves to train and that he loves to go in and watch film."
A few days ago, Tressel said, Pryor sent him a text message seeking the phone number of quarterback Joe Bauserman. Pryor wanted to watch game video with Bauserman "and pick his brain," Tressel said, since his usual video-watching partner, Todd Boeckman, was out of town.
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Poe McKnoe;1211794; said:
So what does Bauserman do when Boeckman and Pryor are watching film? I'd like all three of them to be in there together!
They are numb nuts! Joe brings the popcorn!
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Tressel thinks Pryor will catch on fast
July 24, 2008
Posted by ESPN.com's Adam Rittenberg

CHICAGO -- Terrelle Pryor's toughest tests this fall might not come on the practice field or in the meeting rooms, but when he ventures outside the Ohio State football complex.

Ohio State coach Jim Tressel expects Pryor, the nation's top-ranked incoming freshman, to be ahead of the curve in grasping the Buckeyes' offense and the demands it places on a quarterback. Tressel cited Pryor's extensive experience as a high school star -- lengthy playoff runs allowed him to play in 16 games in each of the last two seasons -- and his familiarity with different types of systems.

"They did all kinds of spread, wing-T versions, a lot of different things," Tressel said. "He has a little bit of an advantage. He's played so many games and done so many different things that it's just a matter of ... I don't think we do anything that he hasn't done. Now he will need to learn what we call it. I don't think there's going to be an unusual strain on him because of that."

ESPN - Tressel thinks Pryor will catch on fast - College Football Nation
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Ohio State's Pryor won't be rushed into offense
By Sam Ross Jr.
Friday, July 25, 2008

CHICAGO -- As a former Ohio State quarterback, and an ESPN college football analyst since 1996, Kirk Herbstreit thought he'd seen it all. Then along came Terrelle Pryor.
"I don't know if I've ever seen, in the history of mankind, the hype that Terrelle Pryor received," Herbstreit said Thursday. "I almost feel bad for the guy, because can he live up to it?

"He has to win like three national titles and two Heismans to live up to this hype."

"I think Terrelle, because he loves to work and he's been blessed with great abilities, he can certainly become anything that he wants to become," Tressel said. "He's going to need some good fortune. He's going to need to stay healthy. He's going to need to stay on the task at hand, which is what we all need to do. But I think he has great ability."

OSU's Pryor won't be rushed - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Posted on Fri, Jul. 25, 2008
Quarterback Pryor expected to make impact for Buckeyes
By Jeff McLane
Inquirer Staff Writer

CHICAGO - Three Big Ten Conference teams went after Terrelle Pryor. One succeeded.
Ohio State, the winner over Penn State and Michigan, was the least likely of the three to immediately employ the services of the highly touted quarterback recruit.

But with such a talent, Buckeyes coach Jim Tressel noted yesterday during the Big Ten media conference, there is no point in waiting - especially if you are perhaps one impact player away from getting over the hump.

Asked whether he would consider using a two-quarterback platoon, similar to one Florida employed two years ago on its way to a national championship, Tressel seemed all but certain that Pryor occasionally would spell returning starter Todd Boeckman.

"Certainly, but it has to be demonstrated in practice that that is the best thing for the team," Tressel said. "But absolutely, especially in the early season, we've always tried to use mobile quarterbacks."

Quarterback Pryor expected to make impact for Buckeyes | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/25/2008
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Re: Penn State and Michigan, both unsettled under center at this point, were the bridesmaids in the Pryor sweepstakes, which carried on past national signing day. And yesterday coaches Rich Rodriguez of the Wolverines and Joe Paterno of the Nittany Lions were short on praise for the player from Jeannette, Pa. In fact, their responses to questions about his expected impact sounded a lot like sour grapes.

Oh come on now, "sour grapes" from these two gentlemen; you have to be kidding...right? :biggrin:

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ScriptOhio;1214257; said:
Re: Penn State and Michigan, both unsettled under center at this point, were the bridesmaids in the Pryor sweepstakes, which carried on past national signing day. And yesterday coaches Rich Rodriguez of the Wolverines and Joe Paterno of the Nittany Lions were short on praise for the player from Jeannette, Pa. In fact, their responses to questions about his expected impact sounded a lot like sour grapes.

Oh come on now, "sour grapes" from these two gentlemen; you have to be kidding...right? :biggrin:


I'd love to hear what they said. After what Dick Rod said about Boren, I can only imagine what he said about TP.
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