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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

Jeannette's Pryor won't sign today - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

By Paul Schofield
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Jeannette quarterback Terrelle Pryor said late Tuesday night that he changed his mind and is not planning to sign a national letter of intent today.
"I'm 100 percent sure I'm not signing," Pryor said. "It's a tough decision and I'm still trying to decide between Ohio State, Michigan and Penn State."

Pryor did say he has eliminated Oregon and told the Oregon coaches the school was too far from home. Pryor said he'll probably make a visit to Penn State.

Wednesday is the first day high school football players can sign a binding letter of intent. Pryor was expected to announce his decision at noon on ESPNU and CSTV, but Jeannette coach Ray Reitz said Pryor still plans to meet with the media to answer a few questions.

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Quarterback Terrelle Pryor expected to choose Ohio State Buckeyes, Michigan Wolverines or Penn State Nittany Lions today

Wednesday, February 06, 2008 Doug Lesmerises

Plain Dealer Reporter
Columbus -- Just in time to fend off the Terrelle Pryor hype backlash, it's National Signing Day.
Pryor told recruiting Web site Rivals.com on Tuesday that when he appears on ESPNU and ESPN.com at 12:05 p.m. today, he will announce his college choice, not just stare at the camera and shrug his shoulders.
What if you are a fan who has grown so weary of Pryor news that you no longer care whether he chooses Ohio State, Michigan or Penn State? Really, recruiting is an inexact science. There's no guarantee this kid will be a star, right?

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Pittsburgh Gazette

Sources, friends say Jeannette's Pryor will say yes to Buckeyes in noon news conference.
National Signing Day
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
By Mike White, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Jeannette quarterback Terrelle Pryor plans to announce his college choice today, and indications are it will be Ohio State.
A few of Pryor's friends and acquaintances told the Post-Gazette that Ohio State is Pryor's choice. One unnamed source said Pryor told him recently he would sign with Ohio State.
Pryor, though, has said he has not made up his mind. He will announce his decision at noon today, and he said Monday his three finalists are Ohio State, Michigan and Penn State. He also said he will not reveal his choice to anyone until a noon news conference that will be carried live by ESPNU and CSTV.
Trinity senior linebacker Andrew Sweat, an Ohio State recruit, and two other Buckeyes recruits met with Pryor a week-and-half ago in Jeannette. Sweat believes Pryor will choose Ohio State.
"He didn't tell me he was committed, but he sounded like he was going to Ohio State," Sweat said.
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Michigan, Ohio State still in race to land top prospect Pryor
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
By Todd Porter

COLUMBUS Ohio State and Michigan moved their 2008 game back a week, but the rivalry heats up today.

In a signing day showdown, the Buckeyes and Wolverines will hang on the words of 18-year-old Jeannette, Pa., quarterback Terrelle Pryor when he announces his college choice at noon today during a televised press conference.

"I think it's a recruiting battle that's gotten as testy as I've seen in years," said bucknuts.com and OhioHigh magazine recruiting editor Duane Long. "It just seems like so much is going on. Some of the stuff you hear, you dismiss it. Then other stuff, you say, 'Wow!' I think there is a back and forth, and people are getting involved in this. It's just gotten ugly."

Interest in Pryor crashed some message board servers Tuesday evening. Long has been following Pryor's recruitment since the start of the season. He believes Ohio State is getting the quarterback.

"Everything I'm hearing is he is coming to Ohio State," Long said. "I haven't heard anything to make me change my mind."

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This is where the pressure is coming from...the pressure to stay home. We've heard for some time now that PSU has jumped into second place in this race and now it has been confirmed by Pryor himself:

Jeannette's Pryor delays his decision on college choice

Wednesday, February 06, 2008
By Mike White, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Terrelle Pryor will conduct a news conference today to say there is no news.

Pryor, the all-everything quarterback at Jeannette High School, has decided not to announce his college choice today. It is just another twist in this recruiting saga. But a noon news conference will go on as scheduled in the Jeannette gymnasium.

"I won't change again. I'm not announcing," Pryor said this morning inside the gym, where a CSTV production crew was already setting up for the news conference.

The reason Pryor won't announce his college choice is Penn State.

"They're starting to creep up on me," Pryor said.

Pryor had said earlier in the week that Ohio State, Michigan and Penn State were his three finalists, but it was always believed Ohio State and Michigan were his top two choices. But he apparently is liking Penn State more and more.

"My dad likes them a lot," Pryor said. "He wants me to look into them."

Pryor also said his father doesn't see "the trust" in some of the coaches recruiting him that he sees in Penn State.

Pryor said he has no timetable on when he will make a decision. He said he will make an official visit to Penn State at some point, but not this weekend.

"I want to visit Penn State," Pryor said. "Whenever I get the feeling [on his favorite college], I'll do it. I haven't got that feeling yet."

Pryor said Penn State assistant coaches Tom Bradley and Jay Paterno have dealt more with his parents than any other school.

"Penn State has done a lot," Pryor said. "They showed up a lot more. They recruited me a lot more. They've sent pages upon pages of handwritten letters."

In the fall, Pryor had questioned Penn State's offensive style. Last week, Penn State coach Joe Paterno, Bradley and Jay Paterno all visited with Pryor at Jeannette. They also visited with his parents.

"I just didn't know about their offense because I never had a meeting with their coach," Pryor said. "I didn't know what they were about. I thought it was just a power offense. It's not."

ESPNU and CSTV planned to air Pryor's college announcement live. Jeannette school officials said this morning five tractor trailers for televison stations were expected at the school. Newspaper reporters from Washington, D.C., Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan all were expected to attend the news conference.

When asked why he was still having the news conference, Pryor said, "My principal still wants me to do it because everyone drove here. I know there are going to be a lot of questions why.

"People don't realize how many games I played with football and basketball. I've never had time to think. When I do have time to think, it's going to be a no-brainer."

When asked whether media officials will be upset that there will be no college decision, Pryor said, "I didn't tell them I was [definitely] signing. They decided to come. So it's on them. This isn't their decision. It's mine."
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From ESPNU and their blog of signing day coverage:


12:06 p.m.: Terrelle Pryor on ESPNU, "I will not make my commitment... I haven't that much time to concentrate on the recruiting process and need more time."

Pryor also said Oregon is back in the mix; he is choosing between Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan and Oregon.


Appearing on ESPN U, Terrelle Pryor made official what everyone had expected since this morning, he will not select a college today.

"I will not make my commitment today," Pryor said. "I'm delaying because we won the state championship, then two days later I jumped into basketball. I haven't had too much time to jump into the recruiting process."

When asked who is still in the running for his services, Pryor said, "I think it's Ohio State, Michigan, Oregon and Penn State. Oregon is still in it because now I can take visits. Sometime I will take a visit out there."

Pryor was asked if he were given a deadline to make a decision by any of the four schools he is still considering.

"All the coaches said they have an open spot and will wait," Pryor said.

Pryor was asked about the Ohio State-Michigan rivalry.

"It's the biggest rivalry in college sports," he said. "They are two great programs with two great coaches."

Cont'd ...
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Appreciate the emails people are sending with Pryor links...but let me sum everything up for you.

Was going to sign with OSU today...and that is a fact (unless the kid was just flat out lying to many people).
Was going to sign today...as confirmed by numerous sources.
Family and advisors convinced him to at least make one last visit to PSU.
Since he is putting off signing to visit PSU again, he might as well also visit Oregon.
He may also visit OSU unofficially again.
Will likely sign in one or two weeks.
I am not the least bit worried about where OSU stands with him right now. You can have your conspiracy theories...but the fact remains that it is still OSU versus the field.

Here is an update from ESPN that confirms why he is delaying...

ESPN - Pryor not ready to sign letter of intent - Insider
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Jeannette's Pryor won't sign today - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Pryor's mother, Thomasina (Toni) Pryor, said he told her earlier Tuesday he was 50/50 about making a decision.

"It stresses me out to see him stressed out," Toni Pryor said. "I don't care where he goes. I just want him to go where he'll be happy and content."

"He's not worried about playing right away," Craig Pryor said. "It will give him time to learn and adjust to the speed of the game."

Two Things About Terrelle Pryor - Josh Barr's Recruiting Insider

Two items caught my attention in this USA Today story about Terrelle Pryor. First, recruiting analyst Tom Lemming has an excellent point about the hype surrounding Pryor, saying that "ven though he's a unique player, in everybody's mind he becomes even better because people are giving him publicity." Second, comes this statement: "Like any high school quarterback, there's no guarantee Pryor will become a star in college, but his signing is important because a great recruiting class can sell tickets." Are you kidding? Guess Penn State, Ohio State and Michigan will have plenty of tickets for sale - below face value, no doubt, sorry scalpers - if they don't get Pryor.

Top recruit Pryor delays choice : Football Recruiting : GoVolsXtra.com

More of the same...
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Give top recruit Pryor some space, for a while

By Kyle Nagel
Staff Writer

Thursday, February 07, 2008

JEANNETTE, Pa. ? There were 123 black chairs arranged in an arc around a makeshift stage. There were 12 television cameras in the back of the room and seven satellite trucks in the parking lot. There were dozens of reporters, including representatives from USA Today and the New York Times.
Judging by the 11 rows of wooden bleachers and old-fashioned feel to the Jeannette High School gym, rarely had the room seen attention like this.

There was plenty of spotlight.
There was just no college choice.
We showed up at this quaint Pennsylvania school that graduates about 90 students per year to find out which college football program found its quarterback of the future. But Terrelle Pryor, the 6-foot-6, 235-pound quarterback in question, isn't sure. Ohio State? Michigan? Penn State? Oregon? They'll all get a shot at Pryor, who declined to sign a letter of intent Wednesday, the first day allowed.

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Coveted Pryor puts college choice on hold

By Kyle Nagel
Staff Writer

Thursday, February 07, 2008

JEANNETTE, Pa. ? As of late Tuesday, the consensus seemed to be that Terrelle Pryor would take his considerable quarterbacking talents to Ohio State. Then the 6-foot-6, 235-pound Jeannette (Pa.) High School star reopened the circus.
Pryor, considered the nation's top recruit, said at a news conference Wednesday that he has not made his college decision and plans to visit Penn State and Oregon. Some view that as a negative for the Buckeyes, as several sources told a Pittsburgh newspaper Tuesday that Pryor likely would choose OSU.

"I don't think it's that bad," said Allen Wallace, publisher of SuperPrep Magazine. "I think he'll still end up at Ohio State."
The newest Buckeyes certainly hope that happens. J.B. Shugarts, an offensive lineman who signed with OSU on Wednesday, lobbied on his new school's behalf.
"Wherever he goes will be a good place for him; I just hope it's here," Shugarts said at a gathering in Columbus.
Michael Brewster, a 300-pound lineman from Orlando, Fla., was a bit more blunt.
"That spread offense at Michigan will get you hurt," Brewster said. "And nobody runs it in the NFL."

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Penn State's push for the nation's top football recruit keeps offers from Ohio State, Michigan, Oregon on hold

Thursday, February 07, 2008Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter
Jeannette, Pa. -- A homemade Italian dinner of cavatelli, sausage and meatballs helped prevent an all-out recruiting celebration at Ohio State on Wednesday.
As 81-year-old Penn State football coach Joe Paterno hugged the wife of Jeannette High School football coach Ray Reitz last week in appre ciation for the meal, the Nittany Lions continued to stamp an impression on the nation's No. 1 high school football recruit.
The final sitdown with Paterno, PSU assistants Tom Bradley and Jay Paterno, three Jeannette coaches and quarterback Terrelle Pryor was coupled with the Nittany Lions' intense recruitment of Pryor's family, especially his father, Craig. It stopped the Buckeyes in their tracks.

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Ohio State is Pryor's likely destination, Bill Livingston says

Thursday, February 07, 2008 Bill Livingston

Plain Dealer Columnist

-- Now entering the Terrelle Pryor flattery derby, with a record of producing NFL quarterbacks that runs the gamut from Kerry Collins to . . . uh, Todd Blackledge before his gig as the Taste of the Town guy on ESPN? John Hufnagel? Anthony Morelli? . . . well, anyway, now climbing through the ropes, at 81 years of age, you know him as Joe Pa, but it could be Joe, the Grand Pa of Them All -- Joe Paterno!
There is now the actual possibility Penn State is the biggest contender Ohio State faces for the services of precocious quarterback Terrelle Pryor.

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