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WR Ted Ginn, Jr. (Official Thread)

Ted Ginn Jr.

I've been talking up Teddy Ginn to my friends lately, but haven't been able to show them any of his plays. Does anyone have the Ted Ginn video clips saved on their computer that they would be able to send to me over aim?

If so, I would greatly appreciate it...help a fellow buckeye fan out! :)

Just leave your aim if you are able to send them to me. Thanks in advance!
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ajb4cmr said:
I've been talking up Teddy Ginn to my friends lately, but haven't been able to show them any of his plays. Does anyone have the Ted Ginn video clips saved on their computer that they would be able to send to me over aim?

If so, I would greatly appreciate it...help a fellow buckeye fan out! :)

Just leave your aim if you are able to send them to me. Thanks in advance!

How about contributing to our server fund drive? Once we hit our goal, we'll re-open the video clips forum which has loads of Ginn clips.
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Ginn TD against MSU CB speedster

This is just a great post from bucknuts. I had to bring it over here to get your thoughts on it.

Posts: 1005
(5/8/05 5:17:22 pm)
Ted Ginn vs the Mich State CB <hr size="1"> I was watching a 2004 highlight reel and the play that has always stood out was the catch that Ginn made against Michigan State where Troy Smith split the defenders and then Ted took it to the house. Well, on that play, Ginn smoked the CB who was relatively even with hime when they caught the ball, but by time Ginn reached the endzone, he had him beat by about 8 yards. I've always wondered who that CB was and how fast he is, so...

Jaren Hayes, CB #31,

Some of his HS track times.

100 meter:
10.67 which was the fastest time in PA in 2002


That's freaking fast and Ted blew him away. That's amazing!
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Part of what makes Ginn so special is his speed translates to the field of play better than perhaps anyone else in the game. There are plenty of guys who are fast - even some that are fast like Ginn. None of them can do it between the lines, pads on, football in hand like he does.
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YEAH there are many people who can run with ginn for the first 20-30 yards, but once he gets going he has another gear. The thing is he doesn't even look like he's trying. Its like he glides, but with that being said I'd still like to see Ginn and Bush race one on one. I think Ginn would actually beat him by a good 5 yards in the 100.

Yeah I've watched this play over and over and I can't get over how he just leaves him 8-10 yards back. Plus he was only 55 yards away from the Endzone so its not like he had time to get to his fastest gear.
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I knew Hayes was fast, but I didn't realize he was 10.6 fast. I can't remember seeing a number for TGII in the open 100, I don't know if he ran it in high school or not, but the 13.2 he ran in the hurdles is a good indication he could probably have run 10.2 or 10.3 in HIGH SCHOOL, that's crazy.

Does anyone know why he isn't running this year? I've read and heard that it's because OSU's coach is an ass- which I won't argue with. I think the company line is that he's redshirted, but since he probably won't be around for 5 years that doesn't make any sense. If anyone knows anything solid I'd like to hear it. I had been excited to watch some OSU track meets this year.
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UMStinks said:
Does anyone know why he isn't running this year? I've read and heard that it's because OSU's coach is an ass- which I won't argue with. I think the company line is that he's redshirted, but since he probably won't be around for 5 years that doesn't make any sense. If anyone knows anything solid I'd like to hear it. I had been excited to watch some OSU track meets this year.
I believe he (Ginn) and Coach Tressel sat down and decided it was best if he focused fully on football. He wanted to get a little bigger and faster to improve his game.
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