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WR Bryson Rodgers (Official Thread)

The WR room is stacked. If any other school sees an OSU WR in the portal, I'm sure they are jumping in. No questions asked. Even the walk ons. Damn it feels good to be a gangsta. Now replicate it at every position. Should be easy.
Yeah our walk on was one of the best WRs in the country at Ohio last year!
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I was kind of expecting big things from him. Too bad.
I did at first, but there's too much talent in front of him in the slot(EE and Innis next year, and Graham could even be added to that list). And Hartline doesn't rotate. Seems like he could be headed to Iowa St with his HS QB. Good for him if that's true

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Tate, Inniss and Smith are going to be epic... as excited as I am for them.. I knew it would cause stress on the system...
but the one who told me about this trio is unquestionably the best one to know...

The others in that Zone 6 room are truly outrageous... that room is an NFL GM dream...
If Rodgers doesn't believe he could break out, that says everything...
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