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WR Bryson Rodgers (Official Thread)

Vehemently disagree with involving agents with ANYTHING involving college athletes. Heck, would opine that each and every HS athlete has a father, uncle, mother, or other relative or close friend who believes they can enhance their athlete's bottom line by negotiating with the university. Heck, in the movie with Sandra Bullock about the adopted OT, the 13 year old negotiated with the likes of Saban, Holtz, Fulmer, etc from SEC land for his brother.......PS, believe the NCAA rules still stipulate that if you sign with an agent, your eligibility is finished.....someone can check out/correct me on that one, please.
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Vehemently disagree with involving agents with ANYTHING involving college athletes. Heck, would opine that each and every HS athlete has a father, uncle, mother, or other relative or close friend who believes they can enhance their athlete's bottom line by negotiating with the university. Heck, in the movie with Sandra Bullock about the adopted OT, the 13 year old negotiated with the likes of Saban, Holtz, Fulmer, etc from SEC land for his brother.......PS, believe the NCAA rules still stipulate that if you sign with an agent, your eligibility is finished.....someone can check out/correct me on that one, please.
This seems imply agents are allowed also a clemson thing seemed to imply it depends on the state law.

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The first wide receiver commit of 2023 was Rodgers, who resided in Florida but has strong Ohio roots. Rodgers profiles as an outside receiver and an excellent route runner.

“Bryson had a big-time season this year,” Day said. “His family has ties up here in Ohio, the Warren area. From early on, he jumped on this thing and was a Buckeye all the way. And his loyalty during this whole thing has been excellent. I think he's gonna have a really bright future here.”

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In the best wide receiver room in the country, Rodgers will certainly have plenty of time and very little pressure to get on the field his freshman (and likely even his sophomore) season.

Rodgers' first season in Columbus will likely be one that he redshirts as he begins his development under Hartline and adds weight to his 6-foot-2 frame, as he’s currently listed at only 175 pounds.

There will be more opportunities to compete for playing time in his second season, as Marvin Harrison Jr., Emeka Egbuka, Julian Fleming and Xavier Johnson could all depart Ohio State’s receiver room after this season, though he’ll still face plenty of competition to earn a spot in the two-deep.


Rodgers will be hoping to earn a starting spot in 2024, but so will Inniss, Tate and Rogers as well as veterans like Jayden Ballard, Kojo Antwi and Kyion Grayes. Add in the receivers who will join Ohio State next year, including a pair of five-star prospects in Jeremiah Smith and Mylan Graham, and Rodgers will need to make a big impression to climb the depth chart early.

While Rodgers offers the versatility to play multiple receiver spots, that’s an attribute many Ohio State receivers have, which is one of the many reasons it's the best group in college football. That said, Day had high praise for the freshman when Rodgers signed with the Buckeyes.

“Bryson had a big-time season this year. His family has ties up here in Ohio, the Warren area. From early on he jumped on this thing and was a Buckeye all the way,” Day said on Early Signing Day last December. “And his loyalty during this whole thing has been excellent. I think he's gonna have a really bright future here.”

Even though Rodgers can line up wherever necessary, especially if it means getting playing time earlier in his college career, he sees himself playing mostly in the slot.

“It’s a tough question because there are perks to each one,” Rodgers said. “Outside, I like to create mismatches with DBs that don’t want to get on a faster, big frame. Then in the slot, I feel like I can see the field better and read the zone. I love playing the slot position, I feel more into the action. I love playing outside, too; I could see myself as a slot, though.”

Either way, expect Rodgers to compete for a spot on the two-deep as a sophomore with hopes of earning meaningful playing time as a well-developed junior as he continues to compete with the best of the best for playing time.
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Bryson got his black stripe removed before Brandon Inniss and Noah Rogers. That's high praise

Top to bottom, Ohio State's '23 receiver class is filthy. Don't sleep on Bryson
I admit to forgetting about Bryson, but with the '23 WR class it is easy to do with how stacked it is. Congrats to him on the stripe removal, didn't realize Noah didn't have his stripe removed already.

I think one of the receivers in this class will break through and play significant minutes despite the depth of the room, will be interesting to see who that is. My money was on Innis after NLOID, but really it could be any of the four.
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