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Worst songs of all time

A hook sampled from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, no less -- Crazy Town didn't even write the music.

I didn't say they had any talent, just catchy. I still love the story about the Verve's Bittersweet Symphony. They sampled a Stones song and didn't get permission so the Stones took all the money they made on that song.
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"Blame it on the rain" by Milli Vanilli, "Acky Breaky Heart" a close second. And rounding out the field is that damn song everyone dances to at the bars and at weddings that goes "slide to the left, slide to the right, bring it back one time" or some shit like that and then everyone starts clapping to the beat. I don't know wtf it's called but it makes me want to hurt somebody when I hear it.
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That fuckin' song by Black Eyed Peas, with the bimbo "singing" in a monotone voice "Mah hump, mah hump, mah hump...". If I ever see that group on the street, I'm having Thump sick the Klan on their ass...
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