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Wisconsin 37, Michigan 21, (final)

Bernini;988842; said:
The Buckeyes were +28 against the Badgers in just over a quarter after Jason Chapman got injured. In other words, they were a completely different team. Losing Cooper before the season, and then Chapman; two starters, did not help an already paper thin unit from lackadaisical recruiting spanning '05-'07. That was the one area the Badgers absolutely couldn't afford decimation. They were playing a ridiculously short 5-man rotation. Now they only have 4 established D-Linemen. Doesn't bode well against Michigan's tough offensive line and running back. They're going to have to rely on the Badger offense lighting up the scoreboard and feed off the crowd. I'm not optimistic unless scUM rests key starters. Even still.......

If your defense saves the energy it expends on chest-thumping and trash-talking, they'll be fine...
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MililaniBuckeye;988845; said:
If your defense saves the energy it expends on chest-thumping and trash-talking, they'll be fine...

I'm all for the chest-thumping and trash-talking, as long as: 1. it's a successful football play, 2. the game is in favor of your team, 3. it doesn't show up the opposing team.

You're going to need extra intensity to defeat a difficult opponent. You can take it as being too nonchalant if they show little emotion, and they can get their asses knocked backwards.

The only player who is really a jackass consistently on defense is Aubrey Pleasant. Mediocre player at best who brings heavy histrionics on random occasions.

Levy's untimely reactions were out of character.
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Bernini;988852; said:
I'm all for the chest-thumping and trash-talking, as long as: 1. it's a successful football play, 2. the game is in favor of the Badgers, 3. it doesn't show up the opposing team.

You're going to need extra intensity to defeat a difficult opponent. You can take it as being too nonchalant if they show little emotion, and they can get their asses knocked backwards.

The only player who is really a jackass consistently on defense is Aubrey Pleasant. Mediocre player at best who brings heavy histrionics on random occasions.

Levy's untimely reactions were out of character.

How does someone trash-talk without showing up the other team??? By definition, that's what trash-talking is. I'm all for chest-thumping and intensity, but Wisky's defense was way overboard. Nothing but a bunch of punks who got their asses handed to them in a plastic bag by one Beanie Wells. Couldn't have happened to a more classless group... unless it was the flag-planting Spartans that John L brought into East Lansing a few years ago.
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Yertle;988857; said:
How does someone trash-talk without showing up the other team??? By definition, that's what trash-talking is. I'm all for chest-thumping and intensity, but Wisky's defense was way overboard. Nothing but a bunch of punks who got their asses handed to them in a plastic bag by one Beanie Wells. Couldn't have happened to a more classless group... unless it was the flag-planting Spartans that John L brought into East Lansing a few years ago.

Like I said, they're not getting their asses handed to them to the same extent without losing Chapman.

There is benign trash talk ala Brett Favre jawing with Warren Sapp. It's only a game. When I say not showing the opponent up, I'm referring to the team is already beaten and you're sticking the knife in. That's classless and cowardly. 10-10, 17-10, you're being competitive. You still have an opportunity to respond with your actions. And the Buckeyes responded. If the game is slipping away, ala about 12 minutes to go in the fourth last Saturday, and you're trash-talking; that's being an idiot. Maybe I'd have a different perspective on this particular event, if I wasn't watching in a sports bar, and I didn't bail midway thru the 4th quarter. From the first 3.5 quarters, I saw about one play where boasting was a real issue, and it was more embarrassing on the Badger's players part if anything.
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I pointed out to Zurp (who was at the game with me) that one of the Wisconsin DB's (maybe #19?) was being a complete prick to Robo on the opening drive. Every play he had to get up in Robo's facemask. Two plays later, he misses the tackle and Robiskie trots in for a touchdown.

Maybe he should have kept his pie-hole shut. He looked like an idiot. Is that the kind of thing you're referring to?
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Yertle;988875; said:
I pointed out to Zurp (who was at the game with me) that one of the Wisconsin DB's (maybe #19?) was being a complete prick to Robo on the opening drive. Every play he had to get up in Robo's facemask. Two plays later, he misses the tackle and Robiskie trots in for a touchdown.

Maybe he should have kept his pie-hole shut. He looked like an idiot. Is that the kind of thing you're referring to?

See, I actually missed the first drive too. But if it was Ikegwuonu, I'm completely fine with it. He's a great cornerback and should expect to back up anything he says because of his dominating history. Maybe he thought he could get in Robiskie's head. Instead it inspired him to make one handed catches on balls thrown behind. He can't predict what would happen previously. If it was Langford, it's a completely different story. He's done nothing to justify smack talking.
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Bernini;988852; said:
I'm all for the chest-thumping and trash-talking, as long as: 1. it's a successful football play, 2. the game is in favor of your team, 3. it doesn't show up the opposing team.

You're going to need extra intensity to defeat a difficult opponent. You can take it as being too nonchalant if they show little emotion, and they can get their asses knocked backwards.

The only player who is really a jackass consistently on defense is Aubrey Pleasant. Mediocre player at best who brings heavy histrionics on random occasions.

Levy's untimely reactions were out of character.

-Was Levy the DL that did a little sack dance to the crowd after a meaningless late TFL or was that someone else?

-I'll agree that Pleasant was, and I'm sure still is, a complete jackass.

-Karma was in full force when Randle El's little brother got hurt(nothing serious I hope) in the game after trying to take out Gohlston's knee. BB going nuts on the sideline over it being called a penalty showed me a lot.

-The Wisky crowd trying to yell and chant to interfere with the singing of Carmen Ohio after the game was an extra special touch.
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I think it was Langford (#17). Punk... and as Jax said, karma was not his friend last Saturday.

In general, I've always liked Wisconsin. Alvarez was (is) a class-act, his players were well disciplined, and I love smash-mouth football. However, what I saw last weekend was a fucking immature brat for a coach, a cry-baby quarterback, and jackasses on defense. No offense to you, Bernini, but with Michigan State turning around their image of flag-planting morons, the "asshole" title is back up for grabs in the Big 10, and we now have a new front runner in my mind.
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