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Wisconsin 37, Michigan 21, (final)

Yertle;988898; said:
I think it was Langford (#17). Punk... and as Jax said, karma was not his friend last Saturday.

In general, I've always liked Wisconsin. Alvarez was (is) a class-act, his players were well disciplined, and I love smash-mouth football. However, what I saw last weekend was a fucking immature brat for a coach, a cry-baby quarterback, and jackasses on defense. No offense to you, Bernini, but with Michigan State turning around their image of flag-planting morons, the "asshole" title is back up for grabs in the Big 10, and we now have a new front runner in my mind.

I don't necessarily agree that Bielema is an arrogant egomaniac. In fact I've went on a couple rants to fellow Badger fans about his behavior.

But he's coaching heck of a game today. The team is intense again. Go Bucky!
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Pfef73;989130; said:
"Honestly, I'm not that impressed with Ohio State," said Andre Ware.

What more do we need to do to convince these arrogant SEC-lovers?
Beat LSU in the NC game, but even then they would say we were "too fresh" off of our 50-day layoff and our cupcake schedule while every game LSU plays is like invading Normandy x1,000 and theres no way they could be ready for a NC game because of how hard their schedule was
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