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Wisconsin 37, Michigan 21, (final)

cincibuck;984719; said:
I agree. Wisconsin left their A game on the field in Ohio Stadium. Too banged up, too thin, and Michigan is gaining in confidence when playing without Hart and Henne... and I think Manningham and Arrington give them the best receiver tandem in the Big 10.

Yeah, I rewatched it again last night and that game should have never been as close as it was. I'll give their defense credit for making our offense sputter for 2 quarters or so but the two TD drives they had were more on us than anything.

Both drives were built on big plays from missed tackles and you just don't see that from us very often. The first TD was a freakin miracle. Incredible catch but that QB made a throw he couldn't do again in 100 tries.

Watching it again it reminded me a little of UC in 2002. We just kept screwing around with them, they were fired up and they hit a stretch where anything the QB threw was going to be caught.

I'm confident calling it luck because he couldn't do it before those 2 drives and he damn sure couldn't do it afterward. He missed a lot of open throws later in the game because his bad technique caught up with him.

Anyway, I look for the badgers to fight hard early being at home but they'll wear down just like they did against us. They are decimated with injuries and just used up a whole heap of luck last Saturday.

tsun obviously needs to be concerned with the physical nature of Wisky and hope Henne and Hart come out no worse for wear than they went in to the game. Thats the part I'm saying good luck on, I don't see how they do it.
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Intersting game here. Wiscy trying to salvage a once promising season and scUM trying to keep the momentum going into THE GAME. Wiscy will be up for this game, and I keep waiting for ttun to stumble again (they've teased me so many times), but I think ttun pulls out a close one to keep the train rolling until next week when they run into the side of a mountain.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;986611; said:
I'm here to serve.

Pfthththth. Frickin' brown nose...

If Wiscy plays with the same intensity and attitude for the whole game as they did for the first 2 1/2 quarters against us, I think they have a good shot at beating Michigan at home...
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MililaniBuckeye;986636; said:
Pfthththth. Frickin' brown nose...

If Wiscy plays with the same intensity and attitude for the whole game as they did for the first 2 1/2 quarters against us, I think they have a good shot at beating Michigan at home...

What I can't understand is why Hart would play with his ankle. Even if Michigan loses, they control their own B10 destiny. But, from what I hear, he's hell bent on playing..... High Ankle sprain on turf.. Maybe Carr ends up holding him out...
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If OSU beats UM, the rose bowl is very unlikely to select Michigan. Considering UM can lose tomorrow and still win the big ten, I'd say that eliminates any realistic chance of another b10 team (besides UM-OSU) making the rose bowl.

Not sure that Pasadena wants another underperforming UM squad, let alone one that would be matched up with a team that destroyed them at home.
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jwinslow;988798; said:
If OSU beats UM, the rose bowl is very unlikely to select Michigan. Considering UM can lose tomorrow and still win the big ten, I'd say that eliminates any realistic chance of another b10 team (besides UM-OSU) making the rose bowl.

Not sure that Pasadena wants another underperforming UM squad, let alone one that would be matched up with a team that destroyed them at home.

If that were to happen,

what conference do you see as a potential replacement?
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The Buckeyes were +28 against the Badgers in just over a quarter after Jason Chapman got injured. In other words, they were a completely different team. Losing Cooper before the season, and then Chapman; two starters, did not help an already paper thin unit from lackadaisical recruiting spanning '05-'07. That was the one area the Badgers absolutely couldn't afford decimation. They were playing a ridiculously short 5-man rotation. Now they only have 4 established D-Linemen. Doesn't bode well against Michigan's tough offensive line and running back. They're going to have to rely on the Badger offense lighting up the scoreboard and feed off the crowd. I'm not optimistic unless scUM rests key starters. Even still.......
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