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Wisconsin 37, Michigan 21, (final)

lvbuckeye;989281; said:
Penn State got the automatic bid in 2005. we were an at large. incidentally, the only way the Big Ten gets two BCS teams is if the unspeakable happens next week...

bad personal foul on Wiscy. they are starting to implode.

Which conference do you see getting the second BCS team if scUM loses this game and next week's game?

Maybe the Big 12?
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THEOhioState;989289; said:
Which conference do you see getting the second BCS team if scUM loses this game and next week's game?

Maybe the Big 12?

well, with 3 teams in the top 6, that looks to be a given... but there's a lot of football left to be played...

3rd and long. touchdown Arrington.
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I'm not optimistic right now.

They're getting every 3rd down converted, often on fluke plays. And they're getting every break from the refs. That's what happens when you allow a team to continue to hang around. It gives them confidence.
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