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Wisconsin 37, Michigan 21, (final)

Coqui;989264; said:
Did we have the same record as the other team those years?

We had the same Big Ten record and the other team went by virtue of our having been there more recently. I recall the newspaper saying there was no head to head tie breaker.

I could be wrong, but I rarely forget getting hosed by technicalities.
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Cicero;989276; said:
We had the same Big Ten record and the other team went by virtue of our having been there more recently. I recall the newspaper saying there was no head to head tie breaker.

I could be wrong, but I rarely forget getting hosed by technicalities.

Penn State got the automatic bid in 2005. we were an at large. incidentally, the only way the Big Ten gets two BCS teams is if the unspeakable happens next week...

bad personal foul on Wiscy. they are starting to implode.
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