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Wisconsin 37, Michigan 21, (final)

I know this was discussed earlier in the thread, but doesn't a Michigan loss today put us in the Rose Bowl at minimum? They could only get a share of the Big ten title by beating us and the Rose Bowl invites the team that has gone the longest without an appearance when there is a shared title. Has this changed?
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Cicero;989255; said:
I know this was discussed earlier in the thread, but doesn't a Michigan loss today put us in the Rose Bowl at minimum? They could only get a share of the Big ten title by beating us and the Rose Bowl invites the team that has gone the longest without an appearance when there is a shared title. Has this changed?

In theory you're correct, but it all depends on the Rose Bowl
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Cicero;989255; said:
I know this was discussed earlier in the thread, but doesn't a Michigan loss today put us in the Rose Bowl at minimum? They could only get a share of the Big ten title by beating us and the Rose Bowl invites the team that has gone the longest without an appearance when there is a shared title. Has this changed?
No head-to-head is the tie breaker. Next week's winner is the Big10 BCS rep.
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Cicero;989255; said:
I know this was discussed earlier in the thread, but doesn't a Michigan loss today put us in the Rose Bowl at minimum? They could only get a share of the Big ten title by beating us and the Rose Bowl invites the team that has gone the longest without an appearance when there is a shared title. Has this changed?

That only occurs if two teams tie that didn't play eachother. scUM would automatically go due to beating us head-to-head.
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Palpie;989260; said:
No head-to-head is the tie breaker. Next week's winner is the Big10 BCS rep.

That must have changed recently then because I recall us getting a lesser bowl even though we beat the Rose Bowl representative head to head. I don't remember the year but it was during the Cooper era.
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Cicero;989263; said:
That must have changed recently then because I recall us getting a lesser bowl even though we beat the Rose Bowl representative head to head. I don't remember the year but it was during the Cooper era.

Did we have the same record as the other team those years?
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