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Game Thread Wisconsin 13, tOSU 31 (Oct 10, 3:30 ET, ABC/ESPN)

Fungo Squiggly;1563429; said:
With a little help from the OSU rush defense. Clay's averaging < 3 yards per carry. OSU forced UW to pass, which obviously isn't the strength.

Not when OSU's D-front gets that much pressure on the O-Line and your quarterback isn't elusive, or at least not overly consumed with when he was going to get unlike Sorgi. I speculated all year that these might be the types of games for backup QB Curt Phillips, due to his elusiveness. I was clamoring for him in the game thread by the start of the 2nd quarter. He would have at least given Bucky a better shot to blunt the pass rush and give UW a dual run threat in the backfield. Still, I think the key were the interceptions by the OSU defense. Those are 10 and 7 point swings. Clay may have had more success throughout the game, as power backs do, due to wearing down of a defense with a glut of carries as they are accustomed.
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