I think having sesaons like Auburn has had would be a lot worse. 0 NCs in 13 .800% seasons. Ouch!
Plus...I just don't feel like a CFB national championship is as important of a championship as any other sport...and the reason is because it is biased and rarely decided on the field. How many years was the NC decided by biased writers and coaches and people who didn't really "KNOW" which team was best. How do we KNOW if OSU was better or worse than FSU and Tennessee in 1998. What about PSU in 1994. NCs in college football are crap. The best you can do is have a perfect season...but after that, winning the NC, or not, really says nothing about your football program. See Auburn's perfect season in 2004.
So really, to base success on NCs is kind of bogus in my eyes. I mean they are great...but to start off, NCs are rarely decided on the field. Like in the year with the 10-10 tie in The Game. What if Ohio State and Michigan are the best two teams in the country that year (which I believe they were). Well...they don't get a chance to prove it in a playoff...instead they both get screwed. So yeah, the Buckeyes have been not so good when it comes to taking advantage of the messed up championship system college football has, and sometimes the system has screwed them. But I feel like Penn State and Auburn have been far worse, whether it be a fault of their own or not.
If you measure success on these NCs, then at least we have some, and a recent one, so we can't be TOO pissed...but I think basing success on JUST the NCs is silly. Just because of the set-up. I don't want to turn this into a we need a playoff discussion, because it's not about that. It is about being frustrated as a Buckeye fan.
But I feel the system has to be part of the discussion. Fans of ALL teams are going to be MORE frustrated when there is a system like the one we have. The system breeds frustration for everybody. Is Ohio State's 2006-2007 basketball season a frustrating one? No! We made the final four and went to the championship game. It was a great run! Winning the NC would have been amazing, but it is still a great acomplishment to make the final four, because you have to earn your way there. If there was a 16 team playoff...losing in the NC game would be FAR LESS frustrating, because nobody would say you didn't belong there (like some say about OSU in the 2007 season), because you earned your way there. It seems like the loser of the NC game in most years is questioned for even being there. At least in a playoff, you couldn't question that the NC game loser belonged in the game.
I feel like a proper championship system would allow for more successful seasons for everyone, and less frustration around the board. I say this because it seems like a lot of the different teams' frustration have been from off the field situations (pollsters, weak schedules, bowl tie ins...etc) The BCS has solved some of this, but not much of it...there are still problems which teams have ZERO control over. Six years ago a team could have scheduled Washington State, Notre Dame, Michigan and Nebraska for 2008, thinking that this would give them THE BEST SOS ever!!! Only to end up having only one of these four games be vs. a winning team. That would be frustrating, especially if they played in a weak conference, went undefeated, and were never really tested, but it isn't their fault. They would have done everything in their power, but not given a chance. HUGE FRUSTRATION! How frustrated does Utah feel? How worse would it be if they beat Alabama, but still don't win a NC. That would be frustrating as hell for them. It sucks that we have a sport where an undefeated season can be frustrating.
BCS championships are nice and great, but personally I can't put all my stock in them, knowing how they are kind of bogus. Therefore I put a lot of stock in things Ohio State CAN control. Win Big Ten Champoinships. Win the bowl game. And ESPECIALLY BEAT MICHIGAN! If we do those three things, then I am happy as hell. And we have a chance to do that this year. 1998, 2002, 2005 were all seasons in which we accomplished those goals and I felt were successful. In 1998 and 2005 we didn't do one thing though, that I also feel is a goal, and that is win all the games, which is why I feel 2002 was special...not just because we won the NC that year. As Auburn and PSU and Boise State and maybe Utah know all to well, just going undefeated doesn't mean you will win the bogus NC, so it was nice we got that as well, but it was a little lucky that our 2002 season happened in a year where there wasn't any controversy. That's the great thing about ALL OTHER SPORTS. There is no other sport out there, where you can go undefeated and not win a NC. Therefore those sports don't have that added frustration.
In what other sport can you say, "Well we were the best team, but we weren't given a chance to prove it." There are a bunch of recent years where I feel like had OSU been given that chance, they could have proven it. Even when they lost a game or two.
I think everybody is frustrated in college football. Not just Ohio State fans. Maybe some fans have more of a right to be frustrated than others, but I don't feel like Ohio State is on the high end of this. I'd rather be 2 for 17 in .800% seasons than be 2 for 2 in the same period, with crappy season otherwise. Being #2 is a hell of a lot less frustrating than going 3-9. But that's just my opinion. If you define frustration ONLY on the "close but no cigar to the (kinda) national championship" feeling...then yeah, Ohio State is up there close to the top. But if you take into account EVERYTHING that one could be frustrated with when it comes to being a fan...I feel like Ohio State fans should be towards the bottom when it comes to frustration.
We have great coaches. We have a great stadium. We are part of the best rivalry in sport. We have great recruiting. We have great players. We have great tradition. We have GREAT seasons. We have national championships (even a recent one). We have more Heismans than anybody (plus we have Archie). We always get to see our team play in big games. The list goes on and on...to me, having all of these things makes any frustration a lot less...frustrating.
I do agree though, that the reason Buckeye fans feel so frustrated, is because they always expect to be the best. We are the most DIE HARD fans in the country. We live and die with our team like no other. It was said in a post that even with Cavs and Indians and Browns extreme frustration, it always seem to pale to the frustration when the Buckeyes lose...and I think the reason is because we all put the Buckeyes first. Ask people who are fans of Ohio State sports, Indians, Browns, and Cavs which team they would like to see win a NC next year the most. Almost ALL of them will say Ohio State Football! It's because there is something special, even magical, about Ohio State football. It's the best thing in the world. Even better than beer and sex, combined. It's true. Would you rather drink a beer while having sex and miss the Buckeyes game...or vice versa? I'm sure we'd all want all 3...but given the choice between the two, we'd all be watching the Buckeyes.
So I think the answer to the question..."Why is it so frustrating being a Buckeye Fan?":
Because Buckeye fans are the most die hard fans and their team plays in the most frustrating sport in the country. That combo breeds lots of frustration. Unless Ohio State win their next 100 games in a row...there is going to be frustration. And even then, if we lost that 101st game...we'd all be pissed, hurt, and that would be a sad day in all of our lives.
I'm glad i'm a Buckeye. Being anything else would be pointless as I see it. The sports world does revolve around Ohio State, some people just haven't figured that out yet.