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Who is your 2007-2008 QB?

Who is your 2007-2008 QB?

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I wish Zwick had another year but in reality I won't miss all the crap from the pro and anti Zwick fans. JZ has acted like a Pro through all of this, his fans and detractors--I don't think so. It's not JZ's fault that so called "recruiting gurus" had him pegged as the "Greatest of All-Time". Maybe all Buckeye Fans can now be united about whomever the coaches choose. Their track record speaks for itself.
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Why would there even be Pro and con zwick fans. He came to tOSU, played as much as he could, and remained true to the school, There should only be pro zwick fans in the support for him to get his degree. Football will take care of itself. I always enjoyed seeing him play and have no doubt that he would have done well if he had stayed the starter. I just enjoy watching any player play and do well. I do more with rooting for the team rather than individuals. He stayed his years and his degree is the payoff. He might make it in the pros and there again the football will take care of itself. I will always be glad and proud he is a Buckeye. How can anyone be against that?
I think Boeckman will get the first shot next year. Here again football will take care of itself and Tressel will sort it all out irregardless of who people think should start.
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mooktarr;669639; said:
Why would there even be Pro and con zwick fans. He came to tOSU, played as much as he could, and remained true to the school, There should only be pro zwick fans in the support for him to get his degree. Football will take care of itself. I always enjoyed seeing him play and have no doubt that he would have done well if he had stayed the starter. I just enjoy watching any player play and do well. I do more with rooting for the team rather than individuals. He stayed his years and his degree is the payoff. He might make it in the pros and there again the football will take care of itself. I will always be glad and proud he is a Buckeye. How can anyone be against that?
I think Boeckman will get the first shot next year. Here again football will take care of itself and Tressel will sort it all out irregardless of who people think should start.

Exactly. JZ has done everthing with class..He wasn't the one saying I'm the best or pouting. It was so called fans. I still don't think it was a Buckeye thing but a Massilon thing.
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Boeckman deserves the first nod. My god, the guy has been in the system for 3 years, paid his own way and grey shirted per JT's request, and has done everything the staff has asked. as most of us know, he is also a coach's son and has a good understanding of the system. We know how loyal JT is, so unless Henton or Robbie play lights out, it's Todd's to lose.

That being said, I think Tim Tebow will start. :wink:
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The person who DESERVES the spot will earn it regardless of years in the system. The best QB will play and I think that Schoenhoft could be the odd one out considering that he does play a similar QB-style to Boeckman. Henton's athleticism obivously gives him an edge but there is a lot for him to learn for sure. It will be fun to see as I'm sure the most sound choice will be made by JT. Don't expect him to pull a Zook and just put in the most electrifying guy...he will play the most efficient QB that we have. I personally am not too worried.
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The importance of the QB position will be somewhat marginalized with the caliber of runningbacks and defense that we have coming back next season. Tressel may not be inclined to rush a redshirt freshman in there. That being said, if Henton is anywhere close to where Troy was in the middle of his sophomore year, it's going to be awfully hard not to give him the nod. Let's hope that Henton has taken advantage of the tutelage under Troy Smith.
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Well the good news for us is that even if the QB spot is being battled for our running game will be there, therefore allowing us to mix and match the best combination. I'm really not going to be panicking b/c we are going to have great WRs who can get open and catch anything at them, and RBs who can take the pressure off our QB whoever it is. Next year is a good time to test new QBs since the 1 2 punches at RB are gonna tear it up.
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*OSUBucknut10*;669744; said:
Well the good news for us is that even if the QB spot is being battled for our running game will be there, therefore allowing us to mix and match the best combination. I'm really not going to be panicking b/c we are going to have great WRs who can get open and catch anything at them, and RBs who can take the pressure off our QB whoever it is. Next year is a good time to test new QBs since the 1 2 punches at RB are gonna tear it up.
Our QB next year will be in the same situation as McCoy next year. Whoever it is will need to gain experience.
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I don't see the situation as the same.
Boeckman and Shoenhoft(sp) have a few years in the system and even some field experience.
That should help them read defenses and make solid decisions.
The expectations will have to be lowered.
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Taosman;669811; said:
I don't see the situation as the same.
Boeckman and Shoenhoft(sp) have a few years in the system and even some field experience.
That should help them read defenses and make solid decisions.
The expectations will have to be lowered.

Though you are right that Todd & Rob have some field experience in games, it is so minimal that in my opinion it is not going to have that great of an impact on who comes out on top next year as our starting QB. Whoever takes the spring will come out as our starter. Of course TB & RS's experience in the film room and on the practice field will be a huge factor in the outcome, but game experience for both Boeckman & Schoenhoft is merely a few minutes combined.
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Jeffcat;669566; said:
well zwick did throw for 73% in 05 so that must be a pretty small barn

In '05???, JZ was a backup who threw about 50 passes all season. Not sure what the point of that comment is really. Now, in '04, which was a similar situation to next year, JZ was a starter from day one, and another QB by the name of Smith got a shot because JZ couldn't hit the broadside of a barn.

So, we are back to square one, where like I said, Boeckman will get the first shot, and if he can't hit the broadside of a barn, then we could see Henton or Schoenhoft.
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I think it's too early to say player X or Y is going to get the first shot. We'll let spring & bowl practice determine that. It's never settled until the first snap of the first game. Boeckman has the odds, but anything can happen.
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