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Who is going to Austin for the game?

In my infinite wisdom, I bought my flight (with the price of the game tickets, I will only be attending the game if my buddy comes through with his hookup) and never got a hotel which are currently sold out. I have a friend who's parents live there but outside the city a little bit but would prefer to stay downtown where the action is. I am going to be there that Thursday the 7th and leaving Sunday at noon. I am looking for anyone who may be looking for another person to split a hotel room, frat house, apartment couch, whatever. I am only 25 so I can still pass for being a college student...... in grad school. :biggrin:

GO BUCKEYES!!!! :osu:
So pumped. Got my flight, and hotel back in April. Flying in Thursday morning and leaving Monday afternoon. Got a rental car so I can do some sightseeing around Austin. And to top it all off, I won my ebay bid for two tickets on Sunday! Ticket prices are going out of control with all the #1 vs #2 hype surrounding the game.
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I reserved a hotel room at the Red Roof Inn about 5 miles out of Austin for $60, a couple of days ago.
You should check it out. It is a good deal and I'm sure you could get a ride from there to the stadium.
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I'm making the trip with 5 of my buddies.

We get to Austin late Thurday morning and are returning Sunday night. We reserved two rooms at the downtown Hyatt Regency.

Renting a ski boat on Lake Travis on Friday.

Bidding on a few tickets on Ebay right now. I'm definitely going to go to the game, just don't know how much I'm going to end up spending.
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In my infinite wisdom, I bought my flight (with the price of the game tickets, I will only be attending the game if my buddy comes through with his hookup) and never got a hotel which are currently sold out. I have a friend who's parents live there but outside the city a little bit but would prefer to stay downtown where the action is. I am going to be there that Thursday the 7th and leaving Sunday at noon. I am looking for anyone who may be looking for another person to split a hotel room, frat house, apartment couch, whatever. I am only 25 so I can still pass for being a college student...... in grad school. :biggrin:

GO BUCKEYES!!!! :osu:

Do you have big tits?
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I bought my flight the day it was available on Southwest way back in March. Supposedly we have 6 hotel rooms downtown Austin for 40 people. I feel really bad for whoever is on our floor. Its going to be SpringBreak2006 for a bunch of 25-26 year olds. No ticket to the game yet, but I am not worried. Not planning on spending more than 400 for a ticket though.
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Look man...I'm all for the family atmosphere here, but that gay shit isn't gonna fly just cause it's a big game!
Shit, no one is fitting with me on a couch unless it is a 100 pound chica.

HundredLane, where did you find the Red Roof Inn? Do you have the phone # because checking online they are not showing one in Austin. Thanks.

My worse case scenario is that I will rent a car and just sleep in it. That way I won't even have to worry about getting a place close to town. My hotel is whereever I decide to park! :)

Hey THEWOOD, where are you guys staying? I have a friend going (Buckeye) who's best friend is from UT (extremely hot too) and they are supposedly renting out a bar Friday night.
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