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Which Notre Dame win was best for you?

Which win against Notre Dame is your favorite?

  • 1995: Ohio State 45 Notre Dame 26

    Votes: 43 33.9%
  • 1996: Ohio State 29 Notre Dame 16

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • 2006: Ohio State 34 Notre Dame 20

    Votes: 82 64.6%

  • Total voters
I really can't say. In 1995, they had been talking crap for so long and strutted into Ohio Stadium. They were dead and buried early in the first half, the final score flatters them. It was a genuine pleasure.

This year, they weren't so much talking crap as they were deluding themselves, but I think I resent Weis even more than Carr. So, I have to go for 2006, but I really think the games are on a par for me.
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my favorite by far was this past fiesta bowl. i watched it with my friend (notre dame fan) and all i heard the previous two weeks was notre dame was back. he would tear tOSU down with views that our offense wasn't nething that notre dame hadnt seen and that our defense rly wasnt nething special. to see the look on his face after the game was priceless.:biggrin: rly put him in his place.
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I didn't vote, because they were all gratifying in differnt ways. A knee jerk reaction might be this year because it was the Fiesta Bowl, and it always feels good to knock down the domers in a game that actually means something, but truly, they all feel equally good. My hope is that we will never lose another game again to ND. Furthermore, I hope that the margin of victory is increased exponentially every time that we win. If there were a team that even came close to my hatred for tsun, it would be them. I feel that I may be too biased for this poll.
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7 45 33 48 said:
The Fiesta Bowl was special but I take 1995. It is not even close for me. There is only one game I have watched more than that game and that is the 2002 NC game.
I also watch the 2002 Michigan game more...that game sure meant a lot to me. But other than that...I completely am the same way.
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[sarcasm]I am going with 2006 because of the excellent storyline with Brady Quinn's sister/AJ's girl. You would be hard pressed to find any other story line as interesting as this in college football today. the interviews and screen shots of her durring the game really added to the atmosphere[sarcasm]
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[sarcasm] [ sarcasm]I am going with 2006 because of the excellent storyline with Brady Quinn's sister/AJ's girl. You would be hard pressed to find any other story line as interesting as this in college football today. the interviews and screen shots of her durring the game really added to the atmosphere[end sarcasm][/sarcasm]

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[sarcasm]I am going with 2006 because of the excellent storyline with Brady Quinn's sister/AJ's girl. You would be hard pressed to find any other story line as interesting as this in college football today. the interviews and screen shots of her durring the game really added to the atmosphere[sarcasm]

Wait, when did they cover that? I must have been out of the room for a minute or something. :(

I guess I'll vote for '96, because I got to go experience South Bend and enjoy a Buckeye win in hostile territory.
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