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Which Coach Would You NOT Want to be Coaching YOUR Kid?

Wingate1217;1066550; said:
The one thing you have to keep in mind ( I can't believe I am going to defend Miles) is that we don't know which former players responded to the poll. Perhaps it is all his Okie St. players who were peeved that he left and they view that as corrupt. If the posting is from his LSU players that would be more troubling to me......

Looking at the site, I'm going to guess that it's from Okie state players. The copyright date is '03-'05. Don't know when in '05, but that was his 1st year at LSU. Not sure if any of those guys could give an entirely accurate read on the man from only a few months with him.

I'm not going to say that he's not corrupt, I don't know him personally, and have no clue what goes on behind closed doors, but I do know that the overwhelming feeling coming out of Baton Rouge, is that his players would run through a brick wall for the man.
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Wingate1217;1066550; said:
The one thing you have to keep in mind ( I can't believe I am going to defend Miles) is that we don't know which former players responded to the poll. Perhaps it is all his Okie St. players who were peeved that he left and they view that as corrupt. If the posting is from his LSU players that would be more troubling to me......

Until we know or have a bigger sample from LSU (as his tenure there grows) I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt....
So am I. So far, he sure has seemed to show a lot of care for his LSU players. I wouldn't send a child of mine to him (nor wold I go myself) for a different reason than him being corrupt: He is from Michigan, and I don't want a Michigan man coaching someone from my family.
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I think it's time to move this beyond just CFB... :biggrin:

My vote: Tommy "the Klingon" Appell

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Nutriaitch;1066537; said:
What is corrupt about him? He left Okie State for LSU? That's an upgrade in jobs that most college coaches would jump at in a heartbeat. He didn't use the UM job as leverage, as evidenced by signing an extension for THE EXACT SAME dollar amount from his original contract. If you want to question his X's and O's ability, that's fine, and everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you want to mock his public speaking ability, go right ahead. But what has he done to be classified as "corrupt"?
I don't really think he's corrupt (certainly not by SEC standards) :biggrin:... just having some fun with the contrast.

I agree that it was likely OK St. players, but... until one of you buys this site and continues it's work, we may never know. Sadly it is shut down until someone takes it over.
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Wingate1217;1065775; said:
Phil Fulmer
Charlie Weis
Urban Meyer
Steve Spurrier

Retired Coaches
Bill Snyder (a buddy of mine's son was recruited by him, bad news....)

I know this has been on the site before but check this link out. It makes you proud that we have a coach like JT....

College Football Coach Ratings

Oh Good Lord Win, that site is worthless. You have as few as 10 and at most 28 people who responded. Anyway - what the *uck does it mean when the site states "All ratings have been provided by college football players who have direct experience with the coaches?"

Played against? Played for? In-home visit with? Went to a football camp? Bought the BobbleHead?

Tressel is a classy guy, and a wonderful coach, but that fact is separate from any result obtained from that sad assed poll.
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Steve19;1066765; said:
"Coach, do I have to keep taking steroids to make mynuts shrink?"

Was it really necessary for him to be touching himself suggestively?


touching, i don't know... but the squeezing of one's "privates" goes a long way to helping out with hitting those high c's at just the right time! :biggrin:
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Gatorubet;1066824; said:
Oh Good Lord Win, that site is worthless. You have as few as 10 and at most 28 people who responded. Anyway - what the *uck does it mean when the site states "All ratings have been provided by college football players who have direct experience with the coaches?"

Played against? Played for? In-home visit with? Went to a football camp? Bought the BobbleHead?

Tressel is a classy guy, and a wonderful coach, but that fact is separate from any result obtained from that sad assed poll.

Was I making a point about any other coach other than Tressel? No, so I don't know why you have your panties in a bunch. You act like I run the freakin' site. Take it for what it is worth. You obviously have not read a post further up on this page where I defended Les Miles and his score on the site. Good Lord get a grip....
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I see there have been a few posts in here touching on "worst coach of all time" as well. I would also put Barry Swizzle in high consideration on that list as well, he of the uzi toting and orange jumpsuit clad hordes.

But before we crown him with that dubious honor, let us also consider a pal of his from his ethically challenged Ozarks past. That completely obnoxious fellow with the permanent blow dry, Jimmeh Johnson.

What has Jimmeh done to draw my ire, even moreso than Swizzle? Well, let us consider this: besides running Miami during one of its most odious periods, consider when and where he coached immediately prior to going to Miami. I don't know how many of you are old enough to remember an NFL player from the 80's named Dexter Manley. Dexter had mucho, mucho problemos. A fabulous pass rusher, he also made LT look like a teetotaler when it came to nose candy, but even more than that, he was hiding one of the ugliest secrets in college sports history. In a tear filled congressional testimony session in 1989, he admitted he had only recently learned to read. Despite getting PASSED through FOUR YEARS of college "education". He was completely illiterate. As in not being able to write his own name.

Dexter went someplace where he was able to skate by entirely. He attended Oklahoma State in the late 70's and the dawn of the 80's. Where the coach was not only Jimmeh, but while he was coach there, he did crap that got their program hammered for years afterwards.

All this together adds up to me preferring Ted Bundy as my kid's coach over Jimmeh. When you add up that Jimmeh, Swizzle and Jerry Jones are all Arkansas pals, I just hope they have a special section reserved for the 3 of them down in hell after they go.
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Wingate1217;1067169; said:
Was I making a point about any other coach other than Tressel? No, so I don't know why you have your panties in a bunch. You act like I run the freakin' site. Take it for what it is worth. You obviously have not read a post further up on this page where I defended Les Miles and his score on the site. Good Lord get a grip....
So you trump my "Good Lord" with your "Good Lord"....

You may have won this time, but I'll be back!

Sure. Like reading the whole thread is all that:biggrin:
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