Here's the problem, it's a simple one. The linebackers have been anywhere from average at best, to just bad the last two years. There's a lack of depth at the position. Also, the safety play has been mostly abysmal for a couple of years now, and losing Bryant was an enormous blow. I have no idea how guys continually get wide open against these guys, but they do, with alarming regularity. For the cherry on top, there's no real on field leadership. No fiery, vocal guys to urge people on. I think some of that might be some talent. I think a little more of that is coaching. We're not throwing a bunch of 2*/3* guys out there. Most of these kids were pretty highly rated recruits. The talent level did not magically fall off of a cliff after 2010.
No, this game was not 100% on the defense, but the offense has banked some goodwill. The defense has been an issue for two years now, and the last two weeks it has been really bad.
I've never been a "FIRE EVERYBODY!!!1!!" kind of guy. However, after this season, I hope there is a significant shake-up with the defensive staff.