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What Will Be the Buckeyes' Record in 2005?

What Will Be the Buckeyes' Record in 2005?

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I said 11-1.

This could, and probably will, change before the season starts. But right now as of today I see us going 11-0...going to the Rose Bowl...and then playing USC. I hate even thinking that USC could win again, but right now that's how I see it. I HOPE to play USC in the Rose Bowl. It would be a great game. I just didn't want to say 12-0 because that's too easy...so i'm just gonna say 11-0 to get there, and then we will see what happens when we do. It's tough to say if u will win or not when u don't even know who the game will be against. I think we either go 11-0 in the regular season or 8-3. We are either going to the Rose Bowl, or having just another good but not great season.
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I picked 11-1. Which in my mind makes us a NC caliber team. Our schedule is rediculous this year. Texas - PSU - Iowa - scUM. That Iowa game is going to be fun. If there was ever a game I want to see helmets flying all over the field it is that one. The Buckeyes should still really have a foul taste in their mouth. One that won't be removed by beating a Big 12 team at home.

PS. If we beat the four teams I just mentioned the should just bypass the BCS and hand us the trophy. If we run the table and beat those four teams the NC game won't even be a contest.
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I'm going with 10-2

The following four games will be very tough (we could win them all, we could lose any of them): Texas, Iowa, scUM, a bowl game

PSU at night, in happy valley could be a challenge

I think we win the other games assumeing we don't overlook a team...

So, with five games we could lose... I'll say we win three out of five (again, their is a small probability that we lose to a different team, however I doubt it)...

I hope I'm wrong!!!
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Oneshot said:
Not to be a downer, but why is our D that great this year? We have a ridiculous LB crew, ONE shutdown corner in Yobouty, ONE d-line monster in Pitcock, and ONE ridiculous safety in Whitner. I can't see this D being stingier than our 2002 crew full of superstars.
How do you leave Salley out of a list of established strengths on defense? I see the safeties as being potentially comparable to the great safeties of '02, the corners probably not quite as good, the 'backers probably better, and the D-line, while solid (there are several high potential guys there who looked to find their groove toward the end of last year), will definitely not be as good as the unbelievable D-line of '02. That said, it seems unlikely that the '05 defense will be as stout overall as the '02 defense was. That's a very high bar though, and the present D still looks to have the potential to be pretty tough. If the O-line can finally play up to expectations, I can certainly see that compensating for any "letdown" on defense (again, relative to the great '02 defense).

10-2 seems like the highest probability outcome to me, given the number of really tough matchups on the schedule, and considering that even a great team almost always needs at least a couple of breaks to get through a tough schedule unscathed.
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I went with 12-0 and the NC. I don't feel there are more then two teams at most that will go undefeated. We have way to much talent to let it all go to waste and JT knows that. Michigan will break down like every season at least one game. I also don't feel Texas has much more then Vicent Young, and I highly doubt in the 4th quarter Vicent Young will even want the ball anymore, once he meets A.J. Hawk and company. They have no proven tailback and lose there leading defensive player from the last 4 seasons in Derrick Johnson. Iowa will not live up to the hype, and there will be alot of close wins like in 2002, but some blowouts.

I feel tibor should be banned from this site because he just brings negativity to the whole Ohio State fan community.

I also feel the last choice in the poll is bullshit. Because if your a true Buckeye you don't just want to beat Michigan and be 1-12 and then you happy. I would be god damn embarassed to be beat every game except Michigan. I understand its arguably the biggest rivalry in all of sports, but you cannot support the team for only one day each year. And don't get me wrong I'm not saying this game just means as much as the other games, beacause I'm not, this game means alot to all the people in and around this community.
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What the hell, I'm swinging for the fences. I said 12-0.

We have Texas and Iowa at home, and those pesky Badgers aren't on our schedule this year. Alvarez always seems to give us fits, but he can't this year, and I just think JT won't let Lloyd Carr ruin an unbeaten season, even in the Pighouse.

Sure, I think USC is the likely opponent, and I know we'd be the underdog, but no one outside of Buckeye Nation thought we could beat the mighty (defending champions, too, by the way) 'Canes in 2002, either.
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If they pick up where they left off from last year anything is possible. To run the table in college football in this day and age takes both skill and a little luck. Do the Bucks have the talent and can the run the table? Absolutely, but there are question marks with this team. We have no proven running back - who will step up? We need a cornerback to play opposite Yobouty. Who is going to play QB? The defense should be awesome and if we can get a pass rush out of the D Line it will be the best in college football. The schedule is a tough one - no one can be taken lightly. The old one game at a time!! Taking all these issues in to consideration we have a head coach who has the ability to get 100% out of his talent. Could we be in for another magical season like 2002? :biggrin2:
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