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What Will Be the Buckeyes' Record in 2005?

What Will Be the Buckeyes' Record in 2005?

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I can't remember a season as anticipated as this one. This is shaping up to be an absolute blockbuster of a Big10 football season. The talent level across the conference is a high as ever.

With that being said I went with 11-1. I think the Buckeyes will play very well, but will have one letdown sometime where things just don't go our way. However, a one game swing either way would not be surprising at all. I think the most critical unit to this seasons success will be the play of the D-line. If the d-line can play well that will free up Schlegel, Carp, and Hawk to do some damage and help out the secondary. The offense has enough weapons to get it done. My biggest concern there is consistency at the QB position. TB is untested, JZ has looked like SB (only without the quickness), and TS; well let's just say that I see a a lot of potential with TS, but he still has yet to prove he can excell on a consistent basis. I think the o-line will have a stellar year, they have talent and they have it deep. JMHO
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well in my opinion with this year i think two things could happen. realistically, i think we will go 12-0 or 9-3, the losses being the obvious Texas, Iowa, Michigan. Of course I BELIEVE that the year will go undefeated.

and to boot we are so good at home i am more worried about at penn state than texas, although we're all pumped about that one. Ya gotta consider the closeness of the past penn state games and how good their defense is. but in the end i believe 12-0 will happen
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Zurp said:
You're being redundant. Or do some people consider Big East a Major Conference? I don't.

Who is in that conference, anyway? Jacksonville Polytechnical Institute of Saving the Dolphins?
hmm... i'm thinking that the Louisville Cardinals might object to that line of thought... didn't they score 70 points a few times last season? including 37 or so on the 'Canes? say what you want, but Petrino's club is LEGIT...

with that being said, i said "and 2" in '02, and the Buckeyes won 'em all...
i said "and 2" in '03, and was dead on...
i said "and 2" last year, and, well, we all know what happened...

this year, i'm saying 12-0 with a National Title, as Tressel knocks another Dynasty- which the pundits say will destroy the Buckeyes- on it's ass... the D may be as good as we have ever seen in the Scarlet and Gray, '96 included, but now we have an O that handed that same stellar D it's collective hat in the Jersey Scrimmage...

if this were 8-10 years ago, i'd be picking 10-2, but Tress ain't no Coop, and this team is just freaking LOADED... maybe, just maybe, better than '98 on O... the sky is the freaking limit this year...
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To revise the percentages a little... considering how good we are at home (as long as it isn't Wisky), and how close our games tend to be at Penn St. and Minny. Also, it should be revised to consider how much Tressel puts into that scUM game.

Texas 70%
Iowa 75%
Minny 70%
Penn St. 55%
scUM 50%

Percentage chance of winning the rest of the games 75%

Bowl Game: USC - 40% Anyone else - 70%

That puts our chances of winning the NC by beating USC at around 2.5%, and w/out at around 5.2%. Chances of going undefeated in regular season are at around 7.5%.

Obviously very unscientific, but demonstfative of how difficult this season is going to be if we don't find some consistency on offense. I go 10-2.
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cincibuck said:
My brain tells me this season is filled with traps, beginning with having Miami to open the season following a summer in which everyone's focus will be on Texas. But my heart is full of hope and so I voted for 12 - 0. With this schedule and 12 - 0 two other schools would have to go undefeated and beat the Patriots along the way to get to the big show ahead of the Bucks.

I feel good about the Texas game. It should be tough, hard fought and perhaps a matter of who has the ball last, but the Bucks are at home. The Big 10 is always a crap shoot. You have to be good and lucky to get through the league undefeated.
I'm not worried about the Miami game for one reason- JT won't let the team look past it to the Texas game. I'm most worried about Michigan State. I'm a Michigan State fan (yeah, I know) except when they play OSU, and I remember hearing "Burke to Burress, Burke to Burress...." when Burke was a mediocre quarterback, Burress was a talented wideout who liked to drop passes, and OSU was the best team in the country. A pass happy MSU team will be dangerous. Thankfully for OSU John L. Smith could coach the pope into at least 5 penalties a game. Also, MSU will take a three week siesta mid-season, just like always.

I voted for 12-0- we won't lose to Texas at home, Iowa at home, or scUM on the road (their D is so slow and SOOOOOO overrated). With all the talent on both sides of the ball and Cooper being an assistant water boy with the Bengals (or whatever he's doing now), JT will turn this into another championship.
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lvbuckeye said:
hmm... i'm thinking that the Louisville Cardinals might object to that line of thought... didn't they score 70 points a few times last season? including 37 or so on the 'Canes? say what you want, but Petrino's club is LEGIT...

with that being said, i said "and 2" in '02, and the Buckeyes won 'em all...
i said "and 2" in '03, and was dead on...
i said "and 2" last year, and, well, we all know what happened...

this year, i'm saying 12-0 with a National Title, as Tressel knocks another Dynasty- which the pundits say will destroy the Buckeyes- on it's ass... the D may be as good as we have ever seen in the Scarlet and Gray, '96 included, but now we have an O that handed that same stellar D it's collective hat in the Jersey Scrimmage...

if this were 8-10 years ago, i'd be picking 10-2, but Tress ain't no Coop, and this team is just freaking LOADED... maybe, just maybe, better than '98 on O... the sky is the freaking limit this year...
Not to be a downer, but why is our D that great this year? We have a ridiculous LB crew, ONE shutdown corner in Yobouty, ONE d-line monster in Pitcock, and ONE ridiculous safety in Whitner. I can't see this D being stingier than our 2002 crew full of superstars.
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Rating the team

The 2002 defense was better than the defense we are about to see. The rush DE's appear weak and Green is just another guy on the D-line. This D will be good, but not great. The upside is that this offense should be very good whereas the '02 offense was good but not very good on most occasions. I'm concerned about the running game but I think it will be enough to balance the offense if Smith is the QB.

Put it all together and the team goes 10-2 with losses to Minny and dUMb. Prognostication is a fools game as weather and injuries can scuttle the ship at any time, but we will have to catch some breaks to meet the Trojans in Pasadena.
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Oneshot said:
Not to be a downer, but why is our D that great this year? We have a ridiculous LB crew, ONE shutdown corner in Yobouty, ONE d-line monster in Pitcock, and ONE ridiculous safety in Whitner. I can't see this D being stingier than our 2002 crew full of superstars.
the D line will be better than you think... Pitcock is freaking ridiculous, but there is just too much depth at the other positions for us NOT to be good.... the 'backers are the best in the Nation, and i heard someone last week say that they could be the best 'backer crew EVER at Ohio State... Youboty is a stud, but we won't have to worry about the boundary, since other guys got plenty of experience when Fox went down last year... Sirjo, or maybe even Jamo, 'could' be an upgrade at the boundary... Whitner can hit like a truck, but that doesn't mean that Mitchell, Everett or Salley are chopped liver...personally, i think Salley is better than Whitner- he doesn't whiff as many tackles, not to mention Whitner played too soft quite a bit last year, and add in kids like Shaun Lane, who are gonna be seriously pushing for PT, and we have as much talent as ever on D... trust me, the D will be sick...
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Oneshot said:
Not to be a downer, but why is our D that great this year? We have a ridiculous LB crew, ONE shutdown corner in Yobouty, ONE d-line monster in Pitcock, and ONE ridiculous safety in Whitner. I can't see this D being stingier than our 2002 crew full of superstars.

Look what the defense did late in the season when Snyder didn't play soft defense.

1. Totally shut down Purdue in the second half until Snyder backed off on Purdue's last full possesion (in which Kyle Orton played 5-8 yard pitch and catch for a TD drive).

2. Held Michigan to 75 yards total offense and no points in seven possessions when we went to more man coverage after playing soft zone on Michigan's first two possessions, on which they scored TDs. We also held them to 269 yards total offense and seven points on 12 possessions after their first two drives.

3. Held explosive OkState to 286 yards total offense, 25 minutes TOP, and seven points. That was the same OkState team that scored 35 points in one half against Texas.
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Maiden post here. (If anyone is interested, which is doubtful, I'm drnlaw at -- well, you know, that other site). Anyway, I'm going with 10-2. I'm not nearly as optimistic as most Buckeyes are about the Texas game, because I have very serious doubts about Zwick's ability to move the ball against the Texas defense, and I think it will take a quarter or two for Troy to get back into the swing of things. And then I simply don't see any Big 10 team going undefeated in conference play. I only give us about a 50-50 chance in Ann Arbor, and about a 50-50 chance to go undefeated against everyone else. That's three 50-50's (counting Texas), and throwing in a little native pessimism leaves me at 10-2. However, if we get past Texas, 11-1 will look pretty achievable, and if we really do a number on them, 12-0 won't look out of the question.
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Having had my heart broken so many times, it's hard to believe this team has the special quality of the 02 team. That being said, lets take a look at the positives. The WRs! The return game! The best O line in many years! The LBs! A shut down corner! Senior field goal kicker! Terrific coaching staff! Homey schedule! No Purdue and Wisconsin! Maybe our most talented QBs in many years! I gotta go 11-1. And the national press still don't like us and JT's style of play!
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