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What song are you listening to right now

My Morning Jacket - One Big Holiday
i think i love you, sushi. a mmj fan, eh? i'm a huge mmj fan. have you seen them live? i've seen only one show of theirs: irving place in nyc (i live in westchester). i've kazaaed z and am making my way through it. it's dramatically different.

so, what else are you into? here's my current abridged list:

- the decemberists (castaways and cutouts, picaresque)
- sufjan stevens (illinois)
- andrew bird (andrew bird & the mysterious production of eggs, weather systems)
- ray lamontagne (trouble)
- nina nastasia (the blackened air, which i've been listening to since it came out; it's still heavy in my rotation; i highly, highly suggest that you download/pick it up, sushi; moving stuff here)
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i think i love you, sushi. a mmj fan, eh? i'm a huge mmj fan. have you seen them live? i've seen only one show of theirs: irving place in nyc (i live in westchester). i've kazaaed z and am making my way through it. it's dramatically different.

so, what else are you into? here's my current abridged list:

- the decemberists (castaways and cutouts, picaresque)
- sufjan stevens (illinois)
- andrew bird (andrew bird & the mysterious production of eggs, weather systems)
- ray lamontagne (trouble)
- nina nastasia (the blackened air, which i've been listening to since it came out; it's still heavy in my rotation; i highly, highly suggest that you download/pick it up, sushi; moving stuff here)

Nice list. I love the Decembrists and Ray Lamontagne. I've only heard a few Sufjan songs, and they're pretty good. I'll check out Nina Nastasia.

I've been listening to the following (I have very eclectic taste, so I'm not sure what you would like out of this list):

Rilo Kiley
Amos Lee
Madeleine Peyroux
Antigone Rising
Keb' Mo'
Bright Eyes
The Shins
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