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What song are you listening to right now

I loved the first audioslave, not too happy with the new one. To be honest, as much as I loved Rage, I think the best thing that happened to them was losing De La Rocha, and getting a real vocalist. Course I hate rap, guess it just depends on your taste in music.

Pantera - Fucking Hostile
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BrutusMaximus said:
I loved the first audioslave, not too happy with the new one.

First time I listened to the new CD I didn't think I was going to like it but right now I've been listening to it and the new Mudvayne CD more than anything.

Mudvayne - Trapped in the Wake of a Dream
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First time I listened to the new CD I didn't think I was going to like it but right now I've been listening to it and the new Mudvayne CD more than anything.

I need to give it more of a chance. The new Mudvayne cd is freakin incredible. I cant get enough of it. They put on one hell of a live show too, if you ever get a chance.......check em out.
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BrutusMaximus said:
I need to give it more of a chance. The new Mudvayne cd is freakin incredible. I cant get enough of it. They put on one hell of a live show too, if you ever get a chance.......check em out.

If Ozzfest had more bands I liked this year I'd definitely go. If the Columbus show was on a weekend I'd probably go just for them. They are certainly on my list of bands I want to see.
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