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What song are you listening to right now

we are 4 hours away from our kickoff against Michigan today...so this will be on repeat for a while:

TBDBITL - We Don't Give a Damn for the Whole State of Michigan!

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Excuse me, but isn't it out of line to jack a thread that is explicitly a post-padding thread from the start? I mean, jacking a thread about real stuff and turning it into a post-padding thread is perfectly acceptable, but don't we have to draw the line somewhere? :biggrin:

Stereophonics - Dakota
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Excuse me, but isn't it out of line to jack a thread that is explicitly a post-padding thread from the start? I mean, jacking a thread about real stuff and turning it into a post-padding thread is perfectly acceptable, but don't we have to draw the line somewhere? :biggrin:

Stereophonics - Dakota

I posted before on what he said, but ended up deleting my post thinking i would be "nice", but since someone else has said something, i will too.

Hey buddy you do realize this is a "Open Discussion" board meaning you can start a topic on just about anything. Why didn't you just start another thread, it won't hurt anything.

Right now i'm listening to 1460. So no song right now.
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well, if just tacking on a song and singer is all that is necessary to turn an off-topic post to an on-topic post, then so be it. it's not the first time someone's done that on this board. i'll retroactively alter the message to appease all that were so upset. many apologies, ladies. :)

electric six - bite me
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