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What song are you listening to right now

what kind of programming does WFUV have going today?

O.A.R. - Crazy Game of Poker (live @ The Aragon Ballroom on 3/25/2005)

If you are an O.A.R. fan I highly recommend this show...it's not as good as some of the shows with Virginia Coalition or Ordinary People coming out on stage but the sound quality is probably the best on archive.org and it is already decoded to mp3...here is the link:

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what kind of programming does WFUV have going today?

O.A.R. - Crazy Game of Poker (live @ The Aragon Ballroom on 3/25/2005)

If you are an O.A.R. fan I highly recommend this show...it's not as good as some of the shows with Virginia Coalition or Ordinary People coming out on stage but the sound quality is probably the best on archive.org and it is already decoded to mp3...here is the link:



that show has a version of Sunday Bloody Sunday... excellent :)
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Crazy Game of Poker is my favorite OAR song. I'll definitely have to check out that version.

Here's FUV's lineup today:

# Friday 6am-8pm on City Folk: Sheryl Crow - roots rock, great hooks, and pop perfection.
# This week on Mountain Stage: Beth Nielsen Chapman, Alison Brown, Suzzy & Maggie Roche and more, in performance from West Virginia, Friday at 2pm.
# Friday from 8-11pm, join The Whole Wide World with Rita Houston - Get to know My Morning Jacket a bit better when lead singer and songwriter Jim James joins Rita Houston for an acoustic performance and interview.
# The Grateful Dead Hour, every Friday at 11pm.
# Join Chris Pergolizzi for The 'FUV Jamboree, Friday nights at midnight.
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LoKy -

Here's another great one:


O.A.R. at Hammerstein Ballroom with Robert Randolph and Virginia Coalition (two of my other favorite bands to see live). You have to convert the FLAC files to WAV to listen to them. Let me know if you need to know where to find a good FLAC converter.

The opening set by VACO is also available from the same night, also recorded from the soundboard Not their best set but it goes well with the O.A.R. show to follow. For some reason the Robert Randolph and the Family Band set from that night isn't on archive.org.

Virginia Coalition:

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Crazy Game of Poker is my favorite OAR song. I'll definitely have to check out that version.

Here's FUV's lineup today:

# Friday 6am-8pm on City Folk: Sheryl Crow - roots rock, great hooks, and pop perfection.
# This week on Mountain Stage: Beth Nielsen Chapman, Alison Brown, Suzzy & Maggie Roche and more, in performance from West Virginia, Friday at 2pm.
# Friday from 8-11pm, join The Whole Wide World with Rita Houston - Get to know My Morning Jacket a bit better when lead singer and songwriter Jim James joins Rita Houston for an acoustic performance and interview.
# The Grateful Dead Hour, every Friday at 11pm.
# Join Chris Pergolizzi for The 'FUV Jamboree, Friday nights at midnight.

it's one of the best songs of all-time to sing along to.

you have to be fired up about the MMJ segment later tonight. archive.org just added their show from this past Sunday night in Indianapolis. I haven't listened to any of it yet but it has gotten pretty strong reviews.
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