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What song are you listening to right now

jazzman;1162514; said:
Metallica - Hit the Lights??? Nice! I was just listening to the CD on my way home. Still rate that album as my 3rd fav of Metallica, after "Master of Puppets" and "Ride the Lightening". All of them being classics of course.

Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun

Awesome bro, Old School Metallica will always rule. Check it out MISSION: METALLICA
I am going to give this album a thumbs up for what I have heard from the site.

Love MOP, Ride, Kill Em all & the Black album just blew me away. Seen Metallica 5 times and every show gets better.

Megadeth - The Conjuring
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CCI;1162524; said:
Awesome bro, Old School Metallica will always rule. Check it out MISSION: METALLICA
I am going to give this album a thumbs up for what I have heard from the site.

Megadeth - The Conjuring

Good stuff man! Loved the album preview! Yeah, I will certainly check the album out once it's released. I heard a few riffs in there that kicked ass....so far so good on the new album.
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