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What song are you listening to right now

Hoobastank - The Reason

"I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know"
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CCI;1162499; said:
yeah it was besides the live album. IMO Randy was the best in that era:banger:

I have been on a serious Metallica binge

Metallica - Hit the Lights

Nice! I agree.....Randy was one of the best ever! It's tragic that he died at such a young age.

It's cool that you gotta meet Pantera.....I don't understand why Rex of all the people would have a serious attitude problem? He was probably the most disposable guy on that band. Anyways, I've seen Pantera live in concert before....they were great. This was at Ozzfest before Ozzy came on stage. I was happy I got to see Dimebag....he kicked ass. He composed some of the greatest metal riffs of all time (maybe that would be a good topic for discussion on a thread)!

Metallica - Hit the Lights??? Nice! I was just listening to the CD on my way home. Still rate that album as my 3rd fav of Metallica, after "Master of Puppets" and "Ride the Lightening". All of them being classics of course.

Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
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