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What song are you listening to right now

I'm one of those people who didn't find out about him until "Gold" - and only because of the fortuitous timing of his "New York, New York" video. That album's my sentimental favorite with one caveat - only the version that includes Side 4. I love Heartbreaker and Pneumonia as well. Cold Roses is excellent. It definitely harkens back to the Whiskeytown/Heartbreaker era, which is welcome for me. Demolition - it had it's moments, but it was obvious why those were only demos. Love Is Hell - I only liked one song between the two discs (English Girls Approximately). Rock N Roll was terrible. Cold Roses is as good as anything he's ever done though.

If you have AIM, I can send it to you.

...and the song I'm listening to now... Ryan Adams - Magnolia Mountain - thanks for reminding me!

i didn't find out about ryan adams until after gold either; however, i didn't listen to gold first. i listened to heartbreaker first. it took awhile for me to let go of it, too. listening to songs from the albums takes me back to living in east hampton for a summer.

except for all of heartbreak and most of gold and demolition, everything else that he's produced has been scattershot. he's been feast or famine. cold roses, and i'm not sure why, is an album i don't recall even putting up for consideration. now that i've read a few reviews for the album, not the least of which your comment that it alludes to heartbreaker, i will purchase/download the album. actually, i'm stealing it via kazaa right now.

thanks, jlb.
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