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What song are you listening to right now

I'm listening to WFUV (Fordham's publio radio station). They are playing some great music. Wadc, didn't you go to Fordham?

sure did...from what I have heard WFUV has a great repuatation for it's music programming. Lots of world, indie, unsigned artists, Irish music. I still listen to it every now and again too. Going to have to go check it out right now...
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the programming for this week looks pretty cool:

Susan Tedeschi's entire new CD
Devandra Banhart
Grateful Dead hour
City Folk on Tracy Chapman (ironic because I saw the In Living Color skit the other night where the woman pretends to be Tracy Chapman and just make up songs by looking out her window)

if nothing else, WFUV gives you a pretty eclectic mix...
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