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What have YOU done today to beat ttun (merged)

I was at a store in the mall the other day. They had a very balanced display of replica football helmets on the shelves. Roughly half of the helmets were scUM's and the other helf were those of The Buckeyes. I spent the next few minutes moving every scUM helmet to the back of the shelves, placing at least one Buckeye helmet in front of it. A store employee walked by as I was doing this and looked at me. A returned the look and shrugged. They gave a smirk and walked away. I happened to be back in the mall two days later. The helmets were still arrainged in nearly the same manner (although some of the scUM helmets had been exposed due to the sale of Buckeye helmets).
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Nordberg;660156; said:
On Wed, I am going to paint my basement Buckeye colors. It's going to be the ulimate Rock-out Buckeye room. I can't wait. :osu: :scum3:

I went to Home Depot at my lunch hour and got OSU scarlet and OSU grey paint for my basement. I don't think I'm going to get anything done the rest of the day because I'm too excited to get home.
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Today I will do laundry to make sure I have the correct attire for the rest of "The Week." I chastized a co-worker for wearing blue. My new OSU watch came today, so I'm excited to be wearing it The Game. Best of all it was free, as I won the Fossil trivia contest.

:scum4: :gobucks3: :gobucks4:
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I have spent the majority of my day watching highlight clips of the last 2 scUM games. In between clips, I re-read the article where Chris Perry rips on Tressel, Troy Smith and tOSU. The I watch Teddy Ginn return that punt for a TD in '04......I swear, my blood is pumping, my mouth is foaming and I can barely sit still.......holy shit, it's only Wednesday?
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You are an embarrasment...

After walking out of the Ohio State bar here in DC last night I came across some jackass in a benz parked crooked next to my car... sure enough he had a scUM sticker on his window...

So I pissed all over the driver side door handle...

Should of prefaced this with the fact that I was quite drunk

LOL.. How do you people live with yourselves acting like this? You are seriously an embarrasment to humanity... pissing on someone's car because they are a fan of a team you don't like?
Even Herbstreit is embarrased for you.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;663226; said:
"you people" So, if one drunk fan in DC speaks for the whole fanbase, is it fair for me to think every one of you beat's their wives and children becaue I know such a Michigan fan?

You're right... because that was the ONLY quote from this thread I could have pulled off to make my point.

Here are a couple more:

I took a permanent marker and drew a Michigan Sucks on the windsheild of a Michigan fans piece of crap car. I also cut off a michigan fan b/c they shouted that terrible noise "Go Blue" and I responded with a rhyme on accident it was a something like "F#$% You!". I'm doing a lot of trash talking to any scUM fans I know of.
Wow... just wow...

Gonna buy the kids a case of charcoal starter fluid & teach 'em to burn Block O's into the front yard of ANY blue/urine colored homes in our subdivision!
Nice job of parenting on this one...

Want me to continue?

And please let me also say that I am not just pointing the finger at the fans making these idiotic statements, but those of you that let them represent you without stepping up to try and change the way the rest of the world sees you.
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THEVICTORS;663222; said:
LOL.. How do you people live with yourselves acting like this? You are seriously an embarrasment to humanity... pissing on someone's car because they are a fan of a team you don't like?
Even Herbstreit is embarrased for you.

Whatever you say knucklehead. Just remember that you can only dog the fanbase instead of talking about what's on the scoreboard.
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