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Western Conf Final: Wings-Hawks

shoegirl;1470954; said:
That's right... just keep saying the PP sucks. We'll get back on track. :biggrin:

To be perfectly honest, even without the horrific reffing in the first period and the bullshit double minor (no blood and Toews was out for the faceoff immediatley thereafter) and the even more pathetic major and ejection of Kronwall, Detroit hasn't played well enough to win.

They are seriously missing Abdelkader and Datsyuk.
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BuckeyeMike80;1470960; said:
They are seriously missing Abdelkader and Datsyuk.

Completely agreed. Even when Dats isn't scoring, he does so much that we take for granted. Especially tonight.

And I miss the energy Abdelkader was bringing... sadly Leino doesn't seem to have as much spark.

Another penalty. We have got to do something here.
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